Celebrity Commercial Listings! (Visiting from My Other Blog) (2025)

Today I'm literally taking a page from my "oldTVads" blog, specifically the one where I list well-known personalities that can be found in my collection of vintage television commercials. It doesn't seem to be turning up in search results, so I thought plopping it here might help. Plus, I'm undertaking the massive task of reversing the name order (currently alphabetically by last) so that they can be found more readily. That's a work in progress. [9/30/24 add: And a futile one, evidently, as I've just tried searching some of the names here and have gotten precisely squat in results...]

Here's a partiallisting of the celebrities (in many cases you can take that appellation with a grain of salt) appearing in mycommercial collection. So far, I've only listed through compilation sixty-three (out of 88), so keep checking back or contact me if you're looking for a particular ad or person.

“VO” means they're only heard as a voiceover (or singer).A question mark after a product means I'm not 100% certain it's them in the adbut it kinda-sorta-maybe looks like them. Other abbreviations are hopefully self-explanatory.

So yeah, some of these folks are pretty damn obscure, but somebody loves them,right? For the particularly esoteric, I'll explain theirnoteworthiness in parentheses, but mostly I just think to myself, "Come on, everyoneremembers Karen Austin from 'The Quest' in the early 80's, right?" For alot of them, I want to add "Well, you'd know 'em if you saw 'em..." somaybe I’ll start throwing in pics if I can find them. Or not.

Ignore thealphanumerics after each product--that's just so I can find the ad quickly ifsomeone wants it. Video and audio quality run the gamut, but if something'sreally bad, I try to avoid it. If you spot a factual error, please let meknow...

Bryan Adams – MTVt31 / t53

Don Adams -- AuroraDerby c14 / Aurora Skittle games, mult ads, c27

Mason Adams – Nuprint29

"Adventures of Ozzieand Harriet" -- Aunt Jemima c23 / Coca Cola c23 / Hotpoint c23 / Aunt Jemima, 2ads, c24 / Kodak, 2 ads, c24 / Hotpoint c24 /

Danny Aiello --Clean Up New York PSA VO c6

Joe Alaskey --Hill's toys c4

Anna Maria Alberghetti -- Maruchan c 4

Eddie Albert --National Wildlife Federation PSA c16 / Security 65 Life Insurance t47

Jason Alexander –Levi’s 501 t16 / The Personals musical t20 / McDonald’s McDLT t50 / LiptonOnion Soup Mix t61 / Good & Plenty, short t66

Muhammad Ali --D-Con c6 / D-Con, mult ads c14 / Security-65 (w/ his parents) t61 / TVNEnterprises c32 [Ali at his nuttiest. Hilarious.]

Tatyana Ali -- Pound Puppies c12 / Crest t5 / Lionel Kiddie City t18 /Children’s Tylenol t29

Debbie Allen --Hardee's c23 / Bell Phones c61 / US Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of Child Support Enforcement “Vote with a Friend” PSA t7 / Coke? T41

George Allen [Hallof Fame NFL coach] – Veteran’s Physical Fitness PSA t49

Mark Allen ["IronMan" athlete] -- Pro-Grain Cereal c16

Marty Allen – NewYork State Chiropractic Association PSA t33

Mel Allen [sportscaster] --Bat-Away VO c2 / Rolaids (Relief Man Award) c6

Nancy Allen -- JCPenney c11

Peter Allen --WPIX-FM c2 / same c6 / WCBS Christmas wishes c7 / "Night of 100 Stars II" t12

Steve Allen -- TVGuide '86 c17 / New Eyes for the Needy PSA t24 / Salvation Army PSA t28

Tim Allen – OldsConnection Oldsmobile t26 / Kmart, xmas t49

June Allyson –Depend t23

Herb Alpert -- VH-1t14

Carol Alt -- Diet Sprite c20 / Cover Girl t2 / Cover Girl t5 / CG t16 /Noxzema t17 / Sassoon Mousse t21 / Diet Coke t40

Jeff Altman -- Right Guard c59 / Arby's t5 / Kentucky Fried Chicken ’84t12 / Valvoline t54 / Avis t60 (I recently helped reconnect Jeff with copies of these--super nice guy!)

Lyle Alzado [NFL player] – TV Guide t14 / Sports Illustrated t14 / Burger King Whoppert19 / Amoco Gas t19 / BK t53

Tori Amos – Kellogg’s Just Right t50

Gillian Anderson – Breath Savers (really not sure on this one.) t19

Harry Anderson -- GEc1 / same t38 / Dannon yogurt t64 / same t67

Melissa SueAnderson -- Snoopy Toothbrush c26 / ST, slightly diff. c57

George Lee Andrews –Kismet, An Evening Dinner Theatre t13

Andy Griffith Show --Gainesburger c21 / Maxwell House c21

Adam Ant -- MTV c14

Earl Anthony [pro bowler] -- Ebonite Bowling Balls c7 [He's seen walking amongst giant balls.Would I lie to you?]

Susan Anton –Harrah’s Marina t18 / Mudd Mask t21 / Harrah’s t22 / Harrah’s t44

Rocky Aoki [restaurateur, wrestler] –Benihana Frozen Dinners t43

Beverly Archer --Honey Smacks c18 / same c30

Rocky Arizzi [Muscular Dystrophy AssociationPoster Child] -- McDonald's c3

Neil Armstrong --Chrysler Dodge Plymouth c12

William Armstrong [Colorado Senator] – Power for Living t21

Lucie Arnaz -- AChorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Peter Aschkenasy –Luchow’s t21

Arthur Ashe [tennis player] --Montclair Water c9 / AMF Head c21

Victor Ashe – multFor Senator ’84 t8

Ed Asner -- RIF [Reading is Fundamental] PSAc2

David Attenborough –Natural History Magazine t54

Karen Austin --Oster Sandwich Grill c6

Tracy Austin [tennis player] --Knudsen Yogurt c9

Average White Band --Schlitz Malt Liquor c6

James Avery --Hunt's Barbecue Sauce t63

Hoyt Axton – PizzaHut t57

Leah Ayres -- BurgerKing c5 / Darcy doll c5 / General Foods International Coffee t13 / Avis t23 /Woolite t38 / General Foods International Coffee (same) t42

Lauren Bacall --High Point Coffee c9 / Fortunoff c14 / High Point '83 c20

Catherine Bach -- DietCoke t29

Pearl Bailey --White Westinghouse c2 / Duncan Hines c17 / American Lung Association ChristmasSeals PSA (with Aaron) t49 / same? t63

Scott Baio -- DrPepper c8 / same sg11

Greg Baker [Oregon Muscular Dystrophy AssociationPoster Child) -- "Superskate" event sg12

Howard Baker [Tennessesee Senator] –USA Today t13

Scott Bakula --Ronzoni c20 / same? T15 / Canada Dry t15 / Arrid t18 / Shield t26 / Arrid t40 /Folger’s Decaf t44

Lucille Ball -- BodyLanguage game c9 / same c14

Carl Ballantine –Mobil Super Unleaded t19 / MSU t66

Baltimore Celebrities-- McDonald's "McHappy Day" 4/27/80: Wild Bill Hagy, Laura Charles,Fred Cook and Joe Ehrmann (Colts "Sack Pack"), Colts announcer VinceBagley, Mayor William Donald Schaefer, Father Gainey? c3

Andrea Barber –Quaker Oh’s t6

John Barbour --Michelob c21

Cyd andTrish Barnstable -- Doublemint Gum sg12

Gene Barry – HaggarWoolens t40

Drew Barrymore --Northern c7

Eddie Barth -- Heftyc9 / Hall's c59 / Hefty t22 / H t46

Billy Barty --Spellbound game c25

Justine Bateman –Maxwell House t27

Rhonda Bates --Great Moves game c25

Hinton Battle – TheTap Dance Kid t15

Frances Bavier --see Andy Griffith Show

Meredith Baxter-Birney -- Clairol Condition t2 / Timemaker PersonalOrganizer '85 t4 / Preference t36 / WIC PSA t54

Don Baylor [California Angels] -- In-n-Out Burger c14

Beastie Boys -- MTVSpring Break contest '87 t2

Ned Beatty -- WillRogers Institute c17

Doris Belack -- Wisk

Shari Belafonte-Harper – Calvin Klein Jeans t41 / MasterCard t45

Harry Belafonte -- Peace Corps (vo) t64

Vanessa Bell –McDonald’s t8

Diane Bellego –Camay t53 / C t55 / C t61

Pat Benatar -- MTVc14

Johnny Bench --Krylon c11 [He paints--what else?--his bench.]/ Yellow Pages c11 [At his restaurant.]

Tony Bennett – WHLI1100 am t22

Robby Benson --Gatorade c14

Candice Bergen -- USSprint t2

Polly Bergen --Pepsi, mult ads, c28

Bill Bergey [Philadelphia Eagles] -- Jiffy Lube mult t62

Sandahl Bergman –Diet Rite t15

Crystal Bernard –Pepsi Free t12 / General Foods International Coffee t13 / General FoodsInternational Coffee (same) t42

Yogi Berra [NY Yankees, NY Mets] -- YooHoo c1 / WABC-AM c2 / GE c12 / New York Daily News '85 t60

Chuck Berry -- DietCoke t58

Fred Berry -- GreatMoves game c25 [You know--Rerun from "What's Happening!"]

Bibi Besch --Monvelle c32

"Bewitched" -- QuakerInstant Oatmeal c24

“Big Chuck and Li’lJohn” [Charles Schodowski, John Rinaldi] – Ohio State Waterproofing t6

Susan Bigelow –Lipton t38 / Lysol t40 / Shoe-Town t49

Barbara Billingsley-- McDonald’s (as June Cleaver) t9

Peter Billingsley --McDonald's Calendar c3 / Longacre Franks c4 / Dial Santa c5 / Lifesavers c12 /Curad c14 / Hershey's (as Messy Marvin) c16 / Kenner Darth Vader Case c29

Larry Bird [Boston Celtics] --Chardon jeans c7 [Playing a video game at the arcade.] / Nestle Crunch t30 / Converse t66

Joey Bishop --Bally's c10 [With the infamous Roy Radin.]

Jay Black --Greatest Hits LP c9 [He stands there in his baby blue satin jacket, belting hishits, solo and with The Americans.]

Page Morton Black --Chock Full o' Nuts c10 [She's hanging with Pinocchio.]

Barbara Blackburn [World’s Fastest Typist] – Apple IIc t38 / Apple t45

Harry Blackstone --Blackstone show c6 [The last two lines of Blackstone's song is cut off for aWNEW ticket promo.] / Cigarrest t56

Nina Blackwood --Pringles '86 t2

Mel Blanc – KentuckyFried Chicken (as Foghorn Leghorn) t16

Susan Blanchard --No Nonsense '78 c61 / No Nonsense sg1 / No Nonsense '80 sg4 / No Nonsense sg7

George Blanda [football player] --NP27 foot spray c22

Bill Blass – Woolitet40

Tempest Bledsoe --PTA [Parent-Teacher Association] PSA c17

Yasmine Bleeth --Atari 5200 c1

Anne Bloom --Charmin c5 / Mercury Cougar t37

Roberts Blossom –Nestle t29

Earl Boen – Hertzt23

Joel Bogart –Kaufman Carpet (with Billy Martin cut-out) t38 / KC t42

Bill Boggs -- BigApple Minute '80 (sea port) c5 / BAM '80 (Little Italy) c8

Corinne Bohrer -- MNetwork video games sg12 / McDonald’s t44

Franco Bolla – SoaveBolla t35

Michael Bolton –Stanley Doors VO t13 / NY Telephone VO t16

Bobby Bonds [MLB player] – Litet22

Frank Bonner -- Dawnc23

Brian Bonsall –Coca-Cola t9

Sorrell Booke --United t61

Pat Boone -- Powerfor Living book t13 / Picture Bible t55, same t56

Victor Borge – MoneyAccess Centers ATM’s t19 / MAC t54

Tom Bosley -- Gladc17 / Glad-Lock t4 / Glad t18 / Glad t21 / Glad t23 / Glad t29 / G t42 / SearsVO t44 / Glad t54 / Glad t61 / Isuzu (VO) t63

Lori Bowen [champion bodybuilder] – Lite ’84 t19

Roger Bowen –Pepto-Bismol t49 / Fiber One t58

David Bowie -- MTVc20

Jim Boyd – AT&Tt23 / MTV t30 / AT&T t36

Terry Bradshaw [Pittsburgh Steeler] --Shell '81 c8 / Zerex t49

Brecker Quadruplets-- Beech-Nut c22

David Brenner –Sands Atlantic City [new food court!] t34 / Sands t42 / Sands (short) t64

Jimmy Breslin --Detroit News c59

George Brett [Kansas City Royals] -- 7 Upc5

Maia Brewton –Clorox Xmas t19 / Cookie Crisp? t66

Wilford Brimley -- Quaker Oatmeal t3 / Quaker, mult. ads t5

Christie Brinkley --Cover Girl c12 / Prell t1 / Prell t2 / Prell t10 / CG t16 / Prell t23 / Prell(w/ mom) t24 / Cover Girl Make-up t26 / CG t34 / Mastercard t36 / CG t40 / CGNailslicks t51

Ross Brittain [DJ] -- Z-100 Disney contest t66

Morgan Brittany --Nair c4 / Ban c11

Marshall Brodien --Magic Kit c9

Adrien Brody -- HotPockets? t2 [He started acting around this time, and it's tough to mistake thathonker. Commenter on my YT channel says it's not him.]

Pierce Brosnan –Mastercard Travelers’ Cheques t21 / another (w/wife?) t24

Dr. JoyceBrothers -- Crack PSA c17 [She was against it.]

Garrett Brown –Vaseline Intensive Care t29 / WMGK 103 FM t30 / Duncan Hines t33 / Budweisert37 / Pepto-Bismol t44 / Kitchenaid dish washer t46 / National Dairy Board (icecream) t61

Johnny Brown -- CoolWhip c22 / Vicks c22

Ollie E. Brown -- USDepartment of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement “Votewith a Friend” PSA t7

Ted Brown [New York City DJ] -- WNEW-AMc5 / WNEW t25 / WNEW-am t66 [NYC radio guy.]

Yul Brynner – The Kingand I on Broadway t9

Michael Buffer –Strawbridge & Clothier t46

Ray Buktenica -- Lay's t1 / Kmart, xmas t50 / Kmart, xmas t51 [Not to be confused with Renny Temple.]

Celebrity Commercial Listings! (Visiting from My Other Blog) (1)

Joyce Bulifant --Lovin' Spoonfuls c21 / Lifebuoy c57

Victor Buono --Spellbound game? c25

Gary Burghoff -- IBM, mult. ads t4

Carol Burnett -- RIF[Reading is Fundamental] PSA c14

George Burns --Ocean Spray c3 / World Airways, mult t42 / LA Beer t45 / Pollenex Dial Massage(with bikini girls) t52

Jack Burns -- Squibbc22 / Squibb (diff) c23

Raymond Burr – YourIndependent Insurance Agent t51

George H. W. Bush -- '80Election c1 / '80 Election c2 / For President '80 c8

Dick Butkus [Chicago Bears] --Wendy's c12 / Hertz t34 / Sports Illustrated Xmas t49 / The Book t55

Jerry Butler [“TheIceman”] – McDonald’s t30

Red Buttons --Century Village c10 / New Century Village t13 / CV t48 / NCV t52

Ruth Buzzi –Steidl’s Wine Coolers t35

Honorable Jane Byrne –USA Today t19

Mary Cadorette –Dannon? T41

Sid Caesar – SaranWrap (as Professor) t44

Hector Camacho --NYC Anti-graffiti PSA c6

Kirk Cameron -- CornPops c16 / Fruit Roll-Ups c30 / McDonald's sg5

Dave Campo –Broadway Chrysler t32 / BC t39 / BC mult t46 [stereotypical pitchman]

Dyan Cannon – BigBrothers/Big Sisters of America PSA t37

Kate Capshaw --Faberge Organic shampoo c7

Captain Video --Raisin Bran c25 / Post Tens cereal c25

Irene Cara -- NYCAnti-graffiti PSA c6 [I have her in a Ford ad too, somewhere...]

Ron Carey -- BetterCheddars c10 / Vicks c22 / Gaines Biscuits c22 / Honeycomb cereal c25

George Carlin -- Fuji VHS tapes t4

Kim Carnes – Diet Coke t40

Art Carney -- Coca-Cola t9

Tia Carrere – McDonald’s t23 / McDonald’s t38

Diahann Carroll -- USA Today t19 / Made in the USA t22 / MitUSA t44 /MitUSA t60 / TV Guide (long and short) t64

Jerry Carroll [DJ, known as Dr. Jerry, longtime CrazyEddie pitchman] -- 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 9 / 16 / 17 / 19 / 68 / t20 / Yoplait t23 /CE t25 / t42 / t47 / CE mult, xmas t64 / CE mult t66 / CE mult t67

Johnny Carson --Jell-o c24

Gary Carter [NY Mets]-- 7 Up c10 / Pringles '86 t2 / Leukemia Society poster t14 / New York Newsday(at Shea) t20 / Ivory Soap t27 / Leukemia Society signed baseball card t28 /Ivory t29

Jimmy Carter --re-elect '80 sg3

Lynda Carter – Madein the USA t18 / Maybelline t21 / Made in the USA t44

Nell Carter – BreastExamination Center of Harlem PSA t14, t49

Gabrielle Carteris-- Facts of Life promo c16

Angela Cartwright --Lady Schick Speed Styler c32 / see Make Room For Daddy

Dave Casper [NFL player] -- RightGuard c59

Tricia Cast – Pearlet53

Phoebe Cates --Oxywash c9 / TV Guide t24

Mary Jo Catlett --Prudential c12 / Sears Ahh Bra c57 / Black Flag Roach Motel t62

Dick Cavett – CAREt44

John Chadwick,Susie Chadwick [Glemby Salons] -- Clairol c23

Suzy Chaffee -- GirlScouts c12

Wilt Chamberlain -- USAToday t13

Carol Channing -- Madein the USA t18 / I Love New York t38 / Made in the USAt44 / Oscar Mayer Select Slices (“Hello, Deli”) t50

Miles Chapin – TimeMagazine t19 / Wisk t41

Ray Charles --Maxwell House VO '81 c10 / MH c12/ MH t50 / MH t52 (Hal & Duke xmas) / MHt57

Melanie Chartoff –Post Raisin Bran t17

Cher -- Jack LaLannet2 / Uninhibited perfume t9 / Jack LaLanne Spas t15 / Jack LaLanne Spas(w/short blonde hair) t16 / I Love New York (with cast of La Cage aux Folles)t38 / Jack LaLanne t51 / Jack Lalanne t65

Chicago White Sox --c11 [Fans singing "Na Na Na Hey Hey." Or whatever the hell thatsong's called.]

Giorgio Chinaglia [soccer player, NY Cosmos] -- Safe Car Dealer c10

Anna Chlumsky –Huggies? Polaroid? both t38

Rae Dawn Chong --Nair c4 / Soft 'n Dri c59

Virginia Christine ["Mrs. Olson," Folger's] -- (poor quality) c23 / saves a hostess c24 / c32 /charades sg11

Dennis Christopher-- Burger King c1

Eric Clapton –Michelob t6

Dick Clark --Columbia House, mult ads sg3

Roy Clark – Hunt’sKetchup t56

Arthur C. Clarke -- Omni magazine t64

Rosemary Clooney –Coronet t40 / Coronet t44 / Coronet (with Muppets) ’85 t57

James Coburn –Mastercard t36 / Mastercard t37

James Coco -- Diet Coke t40

Iron Eyes Cody --Keep America Beautiful PSA c32

Enrico Colantoni --Meals on Wheels PSA c18

Gary Coleman --Kidney Foundation PSA c10

Margaret Colin –Lipton Trim Cup-a-Soup t38

Christopher Collet –Mueller’s Spaghetti? T52

Joan Collins –Canada Dry t10 / USA Today t13

Joe Collins(Yankees) -- Camel c22

Stephen Collins --Folger's c32

Alan B. Colmes [radio host] -- WABC-am, mult t66

Charles Colson –Power for Living t24

Jeff Conaway --Almond Joy c25

Dennis Conner [yachtsman] – US Coast Guard PSA t8

Kevin Connolly --Matchbox Car Wash c1 / Jif t58

Jimmy Connors -- Converse t66

Mike Connors –Clorets t49 / Clorets t51

Pete Conrad [astronaut] -- Nikon c63

Robert Conrad --Eveready c11

Hans Conreid --Pepsi c28

Keith Coogan --Charmin c5 / Sugar Smacks c9 / Pringles t33

Peter Cook –Harvey’s Bristol Cream, Xmas t35

Danny Cooksey --Kid's Point of View t2 / Fab t17

John Corbett --Faberge Organics t4

Bud Cort -- Chiffonmargarine c22

Doug Cosbie [Dallas Cowboys] -- EEO PSA t67

Bill Cosby -- Cokec14 / Crest c22 / Crest (as Tooth Decay) c23 / Kodak t9 / Jell-O Pudding t15 /NJ Tourism VO t15 / Pudding Pops t21 / NJ Tourism t24 / Jell-O Pudding t27 /Jell-O Fruit Bars t29 / Pudding Pops t30 / Pudding Pops t33 / Jell-O Pudding’83 t35 / Coke t38 / Jell-O Pudding (GWtW spoof) t61 / New Coke mult t65

Michael Countryman –Mr. Goodbar t39

Jim Courter -- ForNJ Congress c69

Bob Cousey [Boston Celtics]-- Florida orange juice c21

Courteney Cox --Dimension Shampoo c12 / same t38

Floyd Cramer – WorldFamous Love Songs LP t9

Bryan Cranston --Tootsie Rolls? t2 [Hard to say for sure, but he did a lot of commercials atthis time.] / Michelob t14 / Preparation H t19 / Shield (dressed as skunk) t20/ Good Seasons Italian t20 / PS Gitano t24 / Toyota? (As Cowardly Lion???) t37/ PS Gitano (same) t41 / Shield, same t50 / Lipton Cup a Soup t59 / GoodSeasons t59 / Lipton Cup-a-Soup t59 / Kaufman Carpet t67

Ben Crenshaw [golfer] --Canon c11

Patrick Cronin –Cabbage Patch Kids Diapers 84 tc10

Cathy Lee Crosby --VO5 Shampoo c55 [As "Cathy Crosby."] / Made in the USA t22

Norm Crosby --Natural Light c59 / Better Hearing Institute PSA t29

Ben Cross – AmericanExpress (short) t34 / same t39

Marcia Cross –Dentyne? T48

Pat Crowley -- Houseof Almonds t1

John Cullum -- Doubles, Ritz Theatre t65

Robert Culp –Nescafe t23 / Nescafe t51

Jane Curtain – TVGuide t38

Maryam D'Abo –Preference by Loreal t34

Roger Daltrey – MTVt29

Rodney Dangerfield-- Lite c14 / Lite (see Bowen) ’84 t19 / Lite t60 / Carte Blanche credit card t67

Charlie Daniels –Bantam Louis L’Amour Collection ‘85 t19

William Daniels – USDOT Buckle Up PSA VO [as KITT from Knight Rider] ‘84 t9 / Nissan Oodles ofNoodles VO t20 / same t53

Tony Danza -- United Cerebral Palsy PSA c16 / Diet Rite t5 / Diet Rite t8 / TV Guide t15

Ben Davidson [Minnesota Vikings] – Lite(“Case of the Missing Case”) ’85 t31 / Lite, short ’85 t57

Ann B. Davis --Miracle White (as Schultzie) c1 / Shake n' Bake (slyly suggesting she's Alice)c10

Jim Davis – AmericanExpress (with animated Garfield) t44/ same, short t51 / same, (longer version)t58 / same, long t67

Mark Davis [Philadelphia Phillies] -- Phillies Franks c8

Rick Davis [ProSoccer Player] – Ivory t39

Sammy Davis Jr. --Alka-Seltzer c3 / Canada Dry c14 / Alka-Seltzer c64 / Episcopal Church AIDSawareness PSA t10 / Made in the USA t18 / Accent t42 / Made in the USA t44

Pam Dawber --Underalls c4 / Cascade c14

Jimmy Dean -- JimmyDean Sausage, 2 ads t2

Dave DeBusschere [NBA player] – LeeMyles Transmissions t34 / same t41

Eldon Dedini [cartoonist] -- Playboy t55

Calvert DeForest(see Larry "Bud" Melman)

Ellen DeGeneres --Popeye's '83 c10

Gloria DeHaven --That's My Color! c23

Dina Dietrich –Lennox Gas Furnaces t52 / Best Western t62

Dana Delaney – Wiskt20

Del Fuegos, The –Miller ’85 t15

Dom DeLuise -- NCRc2 / Ziploc ’87 t6 / Ziploc t25 / Ziploc t31 / NCR mult t37 / Ziploc mult t38 /Ziploc mult (one w/ Laura – daughter?) t44 / Z t57

Carole Demas --Children's Tylenol c7 / Bufferin t4 / [see Magic Garden]

Bob Denver -- McDonald’s(as Gilligan) t9

John Denver – Post NaturalRaisin Bran t50

Patti Deutsch --Charmin c5 / Prudential c8

Danny DeVito –“Jewel of the Nile” t43

Devo – Diet Coke t22

John Diehl -- RaisinBran? sg1

Phyllis Diller – NewYork Post Wingo t16 / Star Magazine t29 / NYP Wingo t37

Joe DiMaggio -- TheBowery Bank c8 / Bowery t23

Jeanne Dixon --Jeanne Dixon's Horoscope Hotline t62 / Star magazine t64

Elizabeth Dole – NYSTraffic Safety, seatbelts PSA t10

James Doohan –Citibank (with wife Wendy) t38 / same t51 (better)

Paul Dooley -- NCRc2 / Sara Lee c21

Dovells, The –Robbins, two ads t18 / same t54

David Doyle – Fed ExVO t34 / Dayco Top Cog fan belt (VO) t63

Moosie Drier --Astroblast Power Center c26

William Duell --Pontiac Grand Am t50 [Sefelt from Cuckoo'sNest]

Julia Duffy --Hardee's? c24

Karen"Duff" Duffy -- Salon Selectives t2

Sandy Duncan --Skinny Dip cologne c56

Nora Dunfee -- Almost Home cookies? t64

Billy Joe Dupree [Dallas Cowboys] -- Equal Employment Opportunity PSA t67

Roberto Duran -- 7Up [w/son, not sure which] '80 sg2

Shelley Duvall --Library of Congress reading PSA c17

Richard Dysart –Higbee’s [with step-grandchild] t9

George Dzundza --Safeguard c62

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial -- SpecialOlympics PSA c18 [Okay, not technically a celeb, but he does play himself.]

Earth, Wind &Fire -- Panasonic sg5 [They strut out of a giant boombox. Just as I'd expectthem to.]

Sheena Easton -- WPIX-FMc20 / same? t12

Buddy Ebsen -- McDonald’s(as Jed Clampett) t9 / Standard Security Life Insurance t22

Ted Eccles --McDonald's '65 c14

Gail Edwards –Pillsbury? T40

Marshall Efron –Nikon t21

Lisa Eilbacher --Pepsi Light c14

Donn Eisele [Apollo7 astronaut] – Actifed t40

Al Eisen – 2000Flushes [inventor] t44

Lou Eisenberg -- NewYork's Lotto (with Curtis Sharpe) t58 / t61

Ike Eisenmann --Radio Shack c4 / McDonald's '73 c35 / Doublemint Gum sg11

Jenna Elfman --Prego??? c67 [Very young if it's her, I believe she got into acting at an earlyage...]

Alix Elias --Maxwell House c21 / Almost Home Cookies t43

Bob Elliot --American Express c11 / Piels c21

Chris Elliot --Smith Bros. Cough Drops? c7 [Looks like him, mannerisms like him...]

Kelly Emberg --Palais Royal c2 / Flemington Furs c69 / FF (same?) t2 / / Diet Coke t15 / CoverGirl mascara t19 / Finesse t34 / Diet Coke t50

Ralph Emery -- CountryLP's t4 / National Geographic World Magazine t19

Georgia Engel -- "Nightof 100 Stars II" t12 / Tio Sancho Enchiladas t63

Robert Englund --Freddy's Nightmares (as Freddy Krueger) t2

Devon Ericsson --Irish Spring t59

MikeEruzione (Olympics Hockey) - Amoco t53

Julius"Dr. J" Erving [Philadelphia 76ers] -- Chapstick c9 / Boy Scouts of America Anti-drug PSA c16/ PAD “Philadelphia Pro Athletes Against Drunk Driving” t30 / Drunk Driving PSAt39 / Converse t66

Judith Esser [O.B.designer] – O.B. t40

Bob Eubanks --Hollywood Christmas Parade '80 sg5

Dale Evans -- SevenSeas dressings c57

Linda Evans --Crystal Light '84 c12 / Cocaine PSA t1 / Crystal Light t40 / Forever Krystleperfume, Carrington cologne t50 / Clairol Ultress ’85 t51

Monica Evans -- Avisc23 [The Pigeon Sisterwho wasn't Carole Shelley.]

Chad Everett – Savethe Children PSA t54Chris Evert-Lloyd -- Lipton Iced Tea Mix t65 / Converse t66

Fagerbakke, Bill –Sprite t19 / Rice Chex t56

Fairchild, Morgan –Jovan Musk (with Billy Dee Williams) t52

Farber, Barry --Virex c23 / Virex c24 / Space Savers VOt7

Farr, Jamie – MarsBar t50

Farrell, Mike – PlannedParenthood PSA t49

Farrell, Terry – Avon(for a split second) t44

Fat Boys, the –Swatch, Xmas t52

Faustino, David --Prunes c3 / Bactine '80 c8 / Coke? sg4

Fawcett-Majors,Farrah -- Farrah Shampoo c4 / Lady Schick Speed Styler c32

Fegley, Richard [photographer] -- Playboy t55

Feldman, Corey --Milk Mate '80 c5

Fender, Freddy -- WHN1050 c1

Fenneman, George --Schick c21

Fergus, Keith [pro golfer] – Ivory t13

Ferragamo, Vince --Sasson c4

Ferrare, Christina --Body on Tap sg1 / same sg4

Ferraro, Geraldine –Diet Pepsi (w/daughters Donna and Laura) t24 / same t63

Fields, Debbie (Mrs.Fields) – American Express t52

Fields, Kim -- KraftBBQ Sauce c11

Finkel, Fyvush – NJLottery t10 / Pepto-Bismol t13 / Tofutti t17 / Chapstick t20 / KYW News Radio1060 t30 / Sunoco t40 / Bell Atlantic t47 / NY Telephone t48 / Bell Atlantic t67

Fiore, Bill -- AMFc22 / Almost Home cookies t60

Fisk, Carlton --Copenhagen c1

Fitzgerald, Ella --Memorex c12

Fitzmaurice, Mike --Wheaties c24

Flagg, Fannie --Bird's Eye pudding c22 / Sanka c57

Fleming, Peggy --Trident c10 / Trident sg6 / Concord Quartz t23

Flippin, Lucy Lee --Kellogg's Fruitful Bran '85 t49

Flowers, Waylon &Madame -- FGS c2 [Really only Madame, for car insurance or something.]

Fonda, Henry -- Departmentof the Treasury, Anti-drug Trafficking PSA c32

Ford, Doug [pro golfer]-- Florida Orange Juice c21

Ford, Glenn –Veterans’ Life Insurance t31

Formby,Homer – Formby’s Furniture Refinisher t39 / same t57

Forster, Terry --Sports Illustrated c17

Forsythe, John --Michelob (holidays) c3 / Michelob Light VO c11 / Health Education and Welfare PSA VO c11 / Fathers PSA c32 / Cope tensionpills c55 / Michelob VO, mult ads c59 / Michelob Xmas VO t18 / Michelob VO(Concorde) t23 / Save the Children t29 / Michelob VO t36 / StC, short t45 /Forever Krystle perfume, Carrington cologne t50 / Save the Children PSA t65

Foster, Jodie --McDonald's '72 c35

Fox, Huckleberry --Howard Johnson c10 / Hershey New Trail c20 / Disney travel t16 / Sprite t19 / Hallmarkt26 / Hallmark t48

Fox, Michael J. --Cocaine PSA c16 / Pepsi c17 / TV Guide t66

Foxx, Redd –Craftmatic t54

Francis, Arlene --Phillips c55

Francis, Connie –LP’s t12 / Rape PSA t65

Franken, Steve -- Albert J. Lowry Real Estate t64

Franklin, Aretha –National Cancer Institute PSA t26 / McDonald’s t30 / Coke (vo) t53 / NCI PSAsame? t57

Franklin, Bonnie –Save the Children t9 / Save the Children t31 / StC t41

Franklin, Diane --Soft n' Pretty toilet paper c7 / Reese's c12 / same Reese's sg11

Franklin, Tony (placekicker) -- Wheaties c5

Frazier, Clyde --Pepsi c28

Frazier, Joe --McDonald's c12 / High Blood Pressure PSA (with son Marvis) t58

Frazier, Marvis --High Blood Pressure PSA (with father Joe) t58

Frazier, Walt --Natural Light c2

Fred the Furrier –Fred the Furrier’s New Fur Vaults t49

Freeman, Deena –Vivid t17

Freeman, Kathleen --Charmin c22 / Consumer Information Catalog PSA (Pueblo) ? t31

Frees, Paul -- Mr.Goodwrench? (VO)

Fridell, Squire --Pillsbury c3 / Jovan Musk Oil '78 c5 / Twix '79 c5 / Formula 409 c57 / BudLight t36 / Toyota, mult t38 / Toyota t45 / Toyota ’85 mult t50 / Toyota t53 /T t63 / T t67

Fuller, Kurt --Chrysler t2

Funicello, Annette --Skippy c12

Furst, Stephen --Tiffles Chips c9 / Van de Camp’s Fish t20

Fury --Borden c21 / Borden, mult. ads c22 / Borden, mult. ads c25

Gabor, Zsa Zsa – Ringwith beauty pamphlet? VO T7

Gabriel, John – Oldsmobilet26 / Olds t42 / Olds t47 / Wall Street Journal mult t55 / Oldsmobile(tri-state) t61 (in old-style bathing suit!)

Galloway, Don --Gillette Atra c59 / Ocean Spray t13 / Citibank t21 / Citibank t36 / Best Xmasmult t46

Galway, James –American Express Traveler’s Checks (short) t17 / AmEx (long) t36

Gambling, John --WOR-AM c1 / Meadowlands Racing c4 / Flemington Furs (long and shortversions) t35 / United Way PSA t51
[NYC radio guy.]

Garagiola, Joe --Doan's c23

Gardenia, Vincent -- NYCWater Conservation PSA t52, also t57

Garland, Grace --"Live at the Magic Pan" c19,t29 [Some soap actress, serving up a heap of overwrought singing.]

Garner, James --Polaroid, mult ads c59 / Mazda 929 ‘88 t8 / Beef t41 / Mazda 626 t50 / MazdaB-2000 Cab Plus t51 / Mazda 626 t51

Garr, Teri -- Yo-Yo'sShoes c3 / CARE ’85 t15

Garrett, Hank -- Surec12 / Gillette c21 / Crest c22

Garrison, David – RedLobster t13 / Dawn t17

Garvey, Steve –Anheuser-Busch “Know when to say when” PSA t29 / same? t61 / Paramount power blower t66

Gass, Kyle –Dustbuster? [Sure looks like him…] T17

Gastineau, Mark (NYJets) – Crabtree Toyota t25

Gatlin, Larry –Members Only (and brothers) t46

Gayle, Crystal --Bureau of Land Management PSA c6

Geer, Will --Treetots c3

Gelman, Larry – MobilSuper Unleaded t19 / MSU t66

George, Phyllis -- PTA PSA t65

Gerard, Gil --Harvey's c21

Getty, J. Paul --E.F. Hutton c23 [Must be seen to be believed. Comes off more hostage thanpitchman. Weird!]

Gibb, Donald (Ogre)-- Rent-a-Center t46

Gibbons, Euell --Grape-Nuts c25

Gibbs, Marla --Accent c3 / same? ’83 t15

Gielgud, John -- PaulMasson '84 c20 / PM 84 t47

Gifford, Frank -- FLOJ c21 / Planters c21 / Athletes Against Drunk Driving PSA t28

Gifford, Kathie Lee-- Summit candy bar c2 / Carnival Cruises t1 / Carnival t52

Gigante, Bob -- ForState Senator c4

Gilbert, Melissa --Noxzema sg11

Gilford, Jack --Lay's c11

Gilliam, Burton –Meister Brau t16 / Tab t17 / Nutrasweet t44 / Ford Ranger t51

Ginty, Robert -- FTDFlorist c61

Glover, Danny --Miller? c63

Glover, Savion – NYCWater Conservation PSA t52, also t57

Gold, Missy -- BarbieDream House c12

Goldberg, Whoopi – Atthe Lyceum t12

Goldin, Ricky Paull-- AFX? c2 / Pop Rocks c7 / RC Cola? c17 / Lipton Soup t42

Gooden, Dwight (NY Mets) -- Diet Pepsi t67

Goodman, Dody --Raisin Bran c13

Goodman, Harvey –Windowizards (proprietor) t54

Goodman, John --Caramello (dubbed voice?) c4 / MCI c12 / York Peppermint Patties sg12 /McDonald’s t38

Goolagong, Evonne –Geritol (w/family) t16 / Geritol (also with family, but this time “Daddy beatMommy!”) t37

Gordon, Barry –Sine-Off ’83 t38

Gorney, Karen Lynn --Close-Up? c59

Gosselaar, Mark Paul-- Cookie Crisp? c18

Gossett Jr., Louis –US Coast Guard PSA t6

Gould, Elliott -- Playboyt55

Goulding, Ray --American Express c11 / Piels c21

Gowdy, Curt --Goodwill Games VO '86 c17 / Burnham Home Heating t33

Graubert, Judy -- JCPenney Catalog c11 / Ocusol c22 / Crunch n' Munch c25 / Glad-Lock t4 [ElectricCompany actress.]

Graves, Peter -- seeFury

Gray, Erin -- ScatterPerm c55 / Bloomingdale’s t33 / Bloomingdale’s t37

Gray, Linda – TVGuide t9

Graziano, Rocky –Shell Barn (with owner, who I believe is Arnold “Crazy Arnie” Pomerantz) t57

Greeley, Fr. Andrew -- TV Guide t65

Green, Dallas (MLBpitcher/manager) -- seatbelt PSA t63

Green, Seth --Matchbox Car Wash c1 / White Cloud c18 / White Cloud t35 / Kool Aid t35

Greene, Lorne – Alpo’83 t18 / National Home Life Assurance ’84 t19 / NHLA t31 / Alpo ’83 t40 / Alpot41

Greene,"Mean" Joe -- Coke c12

Greenspan, Dr. Alan –Apple IIc t45

Gregory, Cynthia(ballerina) – American Express Card t19 / same t21 / same (short vers) t37

Gretzky, Wayne -- (w/son Keith) 7 Up sg7

Grey, Joel -- Mealson Wheels PSA c18

Grier, Roosevelt"Rosey" -- Pringles '86 t2 / Cancer Information Service PSA t28

Griese, Bob --Screwball game c25

Griffith, Andy -- seeAndy Griffith Show / AT&T leased phones t16

Griggs, Anthony(Philadelphia Eagles) – Chrysler t63

Guillaume, Robert --Bounce c23 / Ocean Spray t13

Gulden, Charlie –Gulden’s Mustard t34 / GM t42

Guttenberg, Steve --Gleem c13

Gwynne, Fred --Hyundai Excel (VO) t60

Hack, Shelley -- JCPenney c11

Hackett, Buddy –Caesar’s Atlantic City t41

Hagler, “Marvelous” Marvin-- Harrah’s Marina t18 / Harrah’s t22 / Diet Coke t40 / Pizza Hut t62

Hagman, Larry –Dallas Syndication recap (as J.R. Ewing) t15 / BVD 86 t47 / American CancerSociety PSA, Great American Smokeout, short t51 / ACS t53

Haid, Charles -- LABeer t58 / Reading is Fundamental PSA (w Michael Warren) t58

Haje, Khrystyne -- Kodak t66

Hale, Barbara --Amana microwaves c11

Haley, Alex – Playboyt55

Hall, Anthony Michael– Kleenex t47 / Catholic Relief Services PSA t49

Hall, Arsenio – Tabt19

Hall, Jerry -- Sassonc9 / Cella Wines c11

Hall, Rich – RoyRogers t22

Hallett, Jack -- Dannon yogurt t64 / same t67

Hamer, Rusty -- seeMake Room For Daddy

Hamill, Dorothy --Ice Capades [?] / Amoco t53

Hamil, Pete – NYDaily News t12

Hamill, Mark -- Marchof Dimes PSA c61

Hamilton, Margaret --Maxwell House (as Cora) '79 c11 / MH, mult ads c21

Hamilton, Scott – IceCapades t22

Hamlisch, Marvin -- AChorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Hampton, James --Solarian Tile c1

Hancock, Herbie –Pizza Hut t18

Harder, James -- National (vo) t65 / National Enquirer t66 / Pine-Sol t67

Hardin, Melora –Kodak VR35 t31

Hardison, Kadeem –Trident t51

Hardy, Paul –Sporting News t24

Harlem Globetrotters– McDonald’s (poor video) t57

Harmon, Kelly – TicTac t18 (same on t19) / TT mult t41

Harmon, Mark – Coorst56

Harnois, Elizabeth --Hunt’s Ketchup t56

Harris, Estelle -- Mobil Super Unleaded t66

Harris, Mel -- Secretc18 / Tide t27

Harrison, Jenilee –Us Magazine t54

Harry, Deborah --Murjani GV jeans c4

Hart, Roxanne --American Express c20

Hartley, Mariette --Polaroid c12 / Polaroid, mult ads c59 / Celestial Seasonings 85 t55 / CelestialSeasonings Tea t61

Hartman, David --Good Morning America c11

Hartman, Phil --Activision Hockey c5

Harvard, Andrew(Everest climber) – Bayer t9

Havlichek, John --YMCA c5

Hayes, Helen -- HomeS&L c21 / CityMeals-on-Wheels PSA t24 / CityMeals t31 / CityMeals t44

Haymer, Johnny --NCR t37 / SoftScrub t37

Haysbert, Dennis --Mattel Electronic Basketball c7

Hazard, Robert –American Red Cross PSA t26 / also t63

Hearns, Tommy – USCustoms drug boats PSA t7

Hecht, Paul – BettyCrocker t27

Helmond, Katherine --TV Guide t15

Hemingway, Margaux --Babe from Faberge c5

Hemingway, Mariel –Maxwell House t27

Hemsley, Sherman --NyQuil c21

Henderson, Florence-- Tang c2 / Sears Optical '80 c8 / Wesson c16 / Klean 'n Shine, mult ads, c21 / Wesson t4 / Wesson t17 / Wesson t24 / Wesson t29 / Wesson mult t33 /Wesson t40 / W t60

Hendricks, Jim – Save-a-Thon Fabrics (as Rhett Butler) t28 [Best known as “Commander USA”]

Henkin, Howard (NYCDJ, "Howard the Cab Driver") -- WPLJ t60

Henning, Doug --Minolta c3

Herrmann, Edward –Xerox t37

Hervey, Jason -- HotWheels c6 / Hostess? c7 / Fruit Roll-Ups c30 / McDonald’s “Makin’ Music” t19

Higgins, Joel –Prudential-Bache t20 / same t23 / same t37

Hillerman, John –Mauna Loa Macadamias t41

Hines, Gregory --Sanka t1

Hines, Maurice –“Uptown… It’s Hot!” t18

Hinnant, Skip(Electric Company actor) -- Sure c12 / Gillette VO c21 / Vicks c22 / Bloo VOc30 / Crossland Savings t12 / Burger King VO t40 / Suburban Country Furnituret59

Hirsch, Judd -- JCPenney c11 / I'm Not Rappaport (w Cleavon Little) t59

Ho, Don -- Pond's c11

Hobel, Mara -- BusyPuppets c5 / Bryan Meats c8 / Holly Hobbie Day n' Night c10 / Dolly Pops c14 /McDonald's? sg11 / Bounty t53
[She played Joan Crawford's daughter in "Mommie Dearest."]

Hoffman, Basil --Gorgeous Creatures dolls c8 / Munchos c57 / Water-Pik Shower Massage t18 / USTelecom t21, t26 / Dayco Top Cog fan belt t63

Hoffman, Tony –Informercial seminars t40

Hogan, Ben -- AMF [?]

Holder, Geoffrey -- 7Up c6 / 7 Up sg12 / 7 Up t9 / Hilton Miami Beach VO t12 / 7 Up Xmas t16 / 7 Up(in space!) t20 / 7 Up t35

Holloway, Brian (NewEngland Patriot) – alcohol education PSA t11 / teen drunk driving PSA (same?)t60

Holloway, Sterling --Tuneyville Choo-Choo VO? c9

Holly, Lauren –Crisco? t49

Holm, Celeste – YoungAudiences PSA t10

Holton, Mark -- Water-PikShower Massage t18

Holtzman, Liz --political ad c20

Hope, Bob – FugazyContinental t14 / Made in the USA t18 / Made in the USA t22 / NationalFoundation for Cancer Research PSA t22 / Southwestern Bell Media Silver Pages(senior directory) t22 / Made in the USA t44 /Texaco Petrox t47 / MitUSA t60

Horne, Lena –Meadowlands NJ t20 / Meadowlands t23

House, Gerry – fouror five WSIX 98 spots t8

Houseman, John --Puritan Oil c20 / Puritan t9

Houston, Whitney -- Diet Coke t5

Howard, Ken – Chevrolet t36 / Crest Tartar Control t38

Howard, Ron -- seeAndy Griffith Show

Howard, Rance – Sankat34

Howdy Doody Show -- RiceKrispies c24

Howe, Mark(Philadelphia Flyers) – Chrysler t63

Huddleston, David --Citrus Hill c6 / CH t11 / Colortyme t24 / Colortyme t27 / Citrus Hill t36 /Citrus Hill t41

Hudson, Ernie -- New Coke t65

Hughes, Finola –Plymouth Duster t33

Hunley, Leeann --Ford c7

Hurst, Rick --Gatorade c14 / V-8 t16 / Soft Sense t21 / McDonald’s t36 / National Car Rentalt37

Hutton, Lauren --Ultima c1

Hutton, Timothy --"Teenage Suicide" show promo c3

Lee Iacocca --Chrysler '80 c11 / Chrysler c12 / Plymouth TC3 c14 / “New” Chrysler t37 / C t40/ Diabetes PSA t53 / C t59

Billy Idol -- MTVc20

Julio Iglesias –VH-1 t14

Don Imus -- WaterConservation PSA c9 / WNBC shrink c17 / WNBC, job opening after Howard fired(with Soupy Sales) t51 / Pontiac (local tri-state) t59

James Ingram –Budweiser t37

Kathy Ireland –Maybelline t33

Iron Sheik -- WWFThumb Wrestlers c18

Jeremy Irons -- Nightof 100 Stars II t12

George S. Irving –Campbell’s Vegetable Beef t51

Peter Isaacson --Great Moves game c25

Jabbar, Kareem Abdul-- Nestle Crunch t43

Jack, Wolfman --Clearasil c3

Jackson, J.J. -- MTVjacket c8

Jackson, Michael --Pepsi c12 / Pepsi c18 / Pepsi, mult. ads "The Magic Begins" c70 /Pepsi mult t36

Jackson, Reggie --Panasonic c10 / Reggie candy bar c61

Jackson, Victoria --MCI c14 / Mitsubishi Trucks t49

Jacksons -- Pepsi c12/ Pepsi c18 / Pepsi mult t36 / Pepsi fire t46

Jacobi, Lou -- PeptoBismol c21 / NYC Water Conservation PSA t52 also t57 / Almost Home cookies t64

Jagger, Mick -- MTVc6

James, Jessica [Eddie's mom in"Diner."] -- LiptonOnion Soup Mix t61 / Sermonette (She quotes a long Kipling passage. Died a longtime ago. Both of them.) c19

James, Tommy (and theShondells) -- Schlitz Malt Liquor c6

Janis, Paula -- seeMagic Garden

Janssen, David --Excedrin, 2 ads c56

Janssen, Famke --Exclamation Perfume t6

Jenner, Bruce --Minolta c2 / Tropicana c12 / Pringles '86 t2 / Tropicana t36 / National DownSyndrome Congress PSA t44

Jeter, Michael -- TheragranM c10

“Jimmy the Greek” –Jiffy Lube t28 / same t31

John, Elton – Sassonmult t23

John, Olivia Newton-- VH-1 t14

Johnson, Arte -- ToysR Us c5 / Toys R Us c7

Johnson, Don -- Made in the USA t44 / same? t60

Johnson, Earvin"Magic" -- 7 Up c5 / same sg3 / Converse t66

Johnson, Howard (jazzmusician) – Lite 84 t45

Johnson, Ray Jay (Bill Saluga)-- Natural Lite c1 / Einsteingame c5 / Einstein c8

Johnson, Van -- OatFlakes c25

Jones, Deacon --Parkay c7

Jones, James Earl --Fisher Systems VO c19 / Lutheran World Relief VO t23 / Goodyear VO t39 /Chrysler Laser VO t40 / Boy Scouts PSA VO t46

Jones, Janet --Shasta c9 / same sg12

Jones, Shirley --Consumers Catalog c10 / Triscuit c12

Jones, Simon -- Brawny paper towels t64

Jourdan, Louis --Prell c22

Journey, Dan(“racer”) – Toyota t38

Jump, Gordon --Shakey's Pizza c13 / Secret t23

Kalas, Harry(Phillies) – Prism Cable t46

Kaliban, Bob -- YardMaster c24 / Mego 1973 industry reel c27

Kaplan, Gabe -- Pepsic6

Kaplan, Marvin –Mobil Super Unleaded t19 / MSU t66

Karan, Donna – DryIdea t31

Karen, James --Pathmark c18 / t11 / t12 / t14 / t16 / t19 / t20 / t21 / t25 / t28 / t35 / t41/ winter, with sled t45 / t47 / t51 / mult t53 / P t57 / P (VO) t58 / P t62 / P mult t64 / P t66 / P t67

Karolyi, Bela –Miller Lite ’85 t39

Karras, Alex – TVGuide t14

Kashif – WOR promo,“Kashif and Friends” holiday benefit t49

Kauk, Ron (rockclimber) – Ford Bronco II t50

Kean, Gov. Tom – NJTourism t24 / Aging PSA t67

Keaton, Buster --Simon Pure Beer c28

Keel, Howard – “WithLove, From Howard Keel” LP’s t20

Kellerman, Sally –Sears VO t21

Kelley, Kitty – StarMagazine t16

Kelly, Roz -- GreatMoves game c25

Kennedy, George –Better Business Bureau of Eastern PA PSA t17

Kennedy, Mimi --Hall's? c57

Kenyatta, Floyd -- Wilfred Academy of Beauty t66

Kerns, Joanna -- PostFruit & Fibre c20 / Joy c62 / Fruit & Fibre t23 / General FoodsInternational Coffee t34

Kerr, Jim [NYC DJ] -- WNEW '83Calendar c9 / WPLJ c17 / WPLJ t60

Kiff, Kaleena --Honey Nut Cheerios? c17

Kilmer, Val -- New Coke? t65

Kimbrough, Charles --Levi's Panatela c63

Kind, Richard -- MadMagazine Game '79 c8

Kiner, Ralph -- Foamyc7 / Wheaties c24

King, Alan -- NorthShore Animal League c18 / same t23 / same, short t49

King, Don – Lafayettet24

King, John(cinematographer) – Genesee t22

King, Stephen –American Express, long version t12 / same, short t17

Kissinger, Henry -- ILove New York t38

Klavan, Gene [NYC radio guy.] -- WORam c1

Kline, Richard -- BudLight t60

Klein, Robert –American Lung Association PSA t24

Kline, Kevin --Schlitz Malt Liquor c21 [As Robin Hood.] / A Chorus Line (milestonecelebration) t36

Klugman, Jack –Better Hearing PSA (sans toupee) t35 / Steak-Umm t41

Knievel, Evel --Motocross Bike c25 / Roadmaster Wheels c25 [Actually, he's seen in one but not the other,I forget which.]

Knight, Chris -- Twix'83 c9

Knight, Gladys (andthe Pips) -- Coke c59

Knotts, Don -- GainesMeal c22 / Gaines Meal c23 / GainesMeal c24 / see also Andy Griffith Show

Koch, Ed -- Electionc1 / For Carter '80 c2 / For Governor c6 / WCBS Christmas wishes c7 / For Gov.c10 / Clean Up New York PSA t42 / New York Fair Housing Task Force PSA t42

Kool and the Gang --Schlitz Malt Liquor c12 / NJ Seatbelt PSA (Robert “Kool” Bell, James “JT”Taylor) t29 / Wendy’s chicken nuggets t29

Koop, C. Everett –Cancer Information Service PSA t11

Kopell, Bernie --Lifebuoy c57 / CigarRest t60

Kopins, Karen -- Thom McAn c7 / Seagrams t5

Korman, Harvey -- Diet Coke t22

Kozak, Harley Jane – Lancers Wine t20

Krakowski, Jane --Stop Thief game c5

Jack Kramer [tennis player] --

FLOrange Juice c21

Krass, Ben – Twerpy KrassBrother dressed as baby, in another women beat him with newspapers t7 / Again, topless and fondled by women t17/ Twerp gobbles with 8 gals t18 / “Want women at your feet?” t46 / Ben’s titspop t46 /

Kuhlman, Ron –McDonald’s t39

Kulp, Nancy --Planter's Cheez Balls c8

Kulukundis, ManouTyson – Garden Club of America water conservation PSA t31

LaBelle, Patti -- Kodakt29 / Philadelphia Tourism t54, t63

Lacy, Jerry -- RightGuard c55 [As Humphrey Bogart--yep, that guy.]

Ladd, Cheryl --Michelob c59 / TV Guide t25

Laine, Frankie – TVTreasury t31

LaLanne, Jack -- JLSpas c2 / Spas c3 / Spas c5 / Twist-Away c32 /

Lambert, Beverly –Kismet, An Evening Dinner Theatre t13

Lamm, Robert(Chicago) -- Youth Project anti-drug PSA c32

LaMotta, Vikki –Vikkiflex exercise bar t51

Lampert, Zohra --Goya, mult ads c20 / Goya t15 / Goya t34

Lancaster, Burt --MCI c20 / MCI mult t15 / MCI t26 / MCI t58

Landers, Audrey --Tegrin c11

Landesberg, Steve –Time Magazine t11 / Contac t50

Landon, Michael --Kodak Ektra c3 / Family Security Life Plan t17 / Foster Parents Plan t20

Landry, Tom -- Powerfor Living book c19 / same t12

Lane, Cristy –Christmas LP t10

Lane, Nathan -- Cheetos c14 / Cherry NyQuil t4 / Armour Dinner Classics t40

Lanier, Bob – MothersAgainst Drunk Driving PSA t11

Lansbury, Angela -- cornea transplant PSA t65

Largent, Steve (SeattleSeahawks) – Ivory Soap t27 / Sports Illustrated t61

Lasorda, Tommy --Union 76 c2 / Yoplait '83 c3 [Speaking French.]

Lauper, Cyndi -- MTVc20

Laurance, Mitchell(or possibly Matthew) -- Secret t2 [They're twins, so who knows.]

Lauren, Tammy --Barbie Fashion Face c26 / Barbie Town House c26

Lauria, Dan --Schaefer c7 / Philadelphia Electric Company t7

Lawlor, John --McDonald's c59 / Dancerella c60

Lawrence, Joey --Chips Ahoy c12 / Care Bears Books c67 / GTE Sprint t21

Lawrence, Vicki -- DietCoke t22

Leach, Robin – BurgerKing VO t30 / same t54

Learned, Michael –JEMS Emergency First Aid Videotape (name misspelled “Micheal!”) t30 / PuritanOil t48

LeBlanc, Matt --Facts of Life promo c16 / Heinz Ketchup c69 / same Heinz t2

Lebrock, Kelly –Bamberger’s gold? Two ads T18

Lee, Kaaren – Wendy’slight menu t57

Lee, Will --Commercial Credit Control Data c11 [Mr. Hooper!]

Leeds, Phil -- Tilext4 / Tree Top Juice t37 [I also suspecthe's Twinkles the Clown in a terrifying old Post cereal ad, but I'm stilltrying to verify that...]

Legrand, Michel –American Express t21

Leibman, Ron -- Doubles, Ritz Theatre t65

Leisure, David – NewJersey Bell Yellow Pages t10 / Bell of PA Yellow Pages t18 / Bell Atlantic YPmult t20 / NJ Bell YP mult t37 / Texas Instruments t38 / US Telecom t45 / IsuzuImpulse (as Joe Isuzu) mult t48 / NJ Bell t50

Lembeck, Harvey --Duz c22

Lemmon, Jack –Alzheimer’s PSA t45

Lemon, Meadowlark –Charmin t37

Leno, Jay -- CoolRanch Doritos c17 / Cool Ranch Doritos t1

LeNoire, Rosetta -WPVI Action News promo t53

Leonard, Chuck –Hausman Computer School t48

Leonard,"Sugar" Ray -- 7 Up (with Jr.) '80 sg2 / US Customs drug boats PSA t7/ HBO t19 / HBO (slightly diff) t21

Leonard, Sheldon --Post Crispy Critters VO c23 / Post (diff) c24

Lewis, “Grandpa” Al –McDonald’s (as Grandpa Munster) t9

Lewis, Emmanuel --McDonald's Calendar c3 / Burger King '83 c7 / BK c12 / BK t13

Lewis, Gilbert – Park’sSausage t52

Lewis, Jenny -- MerryGo Round Stroller? c5 / Baby Skates c9 / Toys R Us t13 / Toys R Us (full song)t33 / A1 Steak Sauce t49 / Maybelline? t50 / Fruit Roll-Ups? t59

Lewis, Jerry --Spellbound game c25

Lewis, Sagan -- PepBoys t63

Lewis, Vicki -- Ajaxc16 / Ritz Bits t8 / RB t13 / Cheer t37

Light, Judith -- Hostess t5 / TV Guide t15

Linkletter, Art --Contour Chairs c16 / Circus mixed nuts c23 / Contour Chairs c69

Linkletter, Diane --Circus mixed nuts c23

Lipton, Peggy --Canada Dry c22

Little, Cleavon --I'm Not Rappaport (w Judd Hirsch) t59

Little, Rich -- Little Debbie (as Robin Leach) t5 / Little Debbie (as JohnWayne) t27

Locker, John (rock climber) – Gillette Good News t45

Lockhart, Anne – Acme Supermarkets t12 / Acme t33 / Acme t43 / Acme t53 / At63

Lockhart, June --Gravy Train '76 c11

Locklear, Heather --Faberge Organic Shampoo c12 / Sea & Ski? c14 / Jack LaLanne Spas, mult adsc20 / Jack LaLanne t18 / JL t20 / JL t21 / JL t38 / JL t47 / JL t58

Logan, Johnny(Braves) -- Camel c22

London, Julie -- RoseMilk c11

Long, Howie (LA Raiders) -- Personna razors t67

Long, Loretta -- CoolWhip c22 [Now I forget if she was on Sesame Street or Electric Company.]

Lopez, Nancy –Geritol (w/family) t31

Lord, Marjorie -- seeMake Room For Daddy

Lormer, Jon -- LatterDay Saints PSA c16

[The old man in"Creepshow" who wanted his cake.]

Louganis, Greg --Olympic Coins PSA c20 / Care-Free Gum t49

Loughlin, Lori --Trapper Keeper c6 / Tab c8 / Gimbels c9

Louise, Tina -- Arridc5

Lowell, Carey -- JCPenney? c65

Luckinbill, Laurence-- A Chorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Lujack, Larry -- WLSc6 [Chicago radio guy.]

Lunden, Joan -- LiteBrite c12 / Hasbro Shuffletown Railroad t44

Lurie, Dan(“Strongman”) – Dan Lurie Fitness World t35

Lyman, Dorothy --Lime-Away c8

Lynch, Ed (Mets) --Food Drive c3

Lynde, Paul --Maxwell House c21 [Looking positively demented.]

Lynn, Loretta --Crisco c8 / Crisco (w/ Doo) c9 / Crisco '82 c10 / Crisco c17 / Crisco (w/daughters) t1 / (family) t21 / (family) t23 / (twins) t23 / Crisco mult t37 /family t46 / family t53 / Greatest Hits LP (not Loretta, but niece Connie andsister-in-law Patsy!) ’85 t56

[See Loretta Lynn's Crisco commercials HERE, at my "Hugo Faces" YouTube channel!

Lyons, Jeffrey – GE“Consumer Watch” t27

Lyric Opera ofChicago – McDonald’s t29

Jones, Henry --Sidekicks candy c25

M*A*S*H cast -- IBM t4[The second bananas, anyway.]

Macchio, Ralph --Bubble Yum '80 c4

MacDowell, Andie --Calvin Klein Jeans c12

MacGraw, Ali --Polaroid Swinger c24

MacLaine, Shirley --Diet Pepsi (w Daughter Sachi Parker) t63

MacLeod, Gavin -- StarMagazine t16

MacPherson, Elle –Burger King salad bar t20 / Sea Breeze t25

Macy, William H. –Brick Church t28 / Shop-Rite, xmas truck t50

Madden, Dave --Mealtime VO c11 / Kellogg’s Squares VO t6 / Flintstones Vitamins VO ’86 t8

Madden, John -- Litec14 / Ace Hardware t6 / Lite t22 / Lite t24 / Lite (“Case of the Missing Case”)’85 t31 / Lite '85 t61

Maddox, Garry(Philadelphia Phillies) – Power For Living t36

Madonna -- MTV t66

Magic Garden (PaulaJanis, Carole Demas) -- LP c5

Mahler, Bruce – BirdTalk Magazine (with Buster) t14 / BTM (with Shana) t47

Majors, Lee -- DietRite c1 / DR t15

Make Room for Daddy-- Maxwell House c21 / Sugar Crisp c23 / Grape-Nut Flakes c24 /

Malden, Karl --American Express mult ads c11 / AmEx c12 / AmEx Traveler’s Checks t6 / AmEx t36/ AmEx t44

Manchester, Melissa-- WPIX-FM c2 / VH-1 t14

Mandrell, Barbara --Kinney c18 / Visa Fabrics t10 / Kinney t15 / Kinney t21 / K t24 / Kt50 / VisaFabrics t51

Mandrell, Louise –White Rain (sporting quite the mullet!) T29

Mantegna, Joe -- Ragut58

Mantle, Mickey -- OKCable '86 c18 / Florida Orange Juice c22 / Florida Orange Juice (diff) c23 / USAToday t19

Marchand, Nancy –Wonder t17

Marinaro, Ed – ChildAbuse PSA t57

Marino, Dan – DietPepsi t15 / Draft Registration PSA t28 / Isotoner Gloves, xmas t49

Maris, Roger -- PostSugar Crisp c24

Marshall, E.G. – LifeSign (device for quitting smoking) t7

Marshall, Rex --Maxwell House c21

Martel, K.C. -- Combos t66

Martin, Barney --Maxim c21

Martin, Billy -- A'sManager c8 / Lite, mult ads c14 / PeptoBismol c21 / NP27 foot spray c22 / Captain Black Tobacco t13 / Capt Black,short t53

Martin, Pamela Sue --Yardley c22 [As "Pam Martin."]

Martindale, Margo –Bounty t22

Martin, Mary -American Cancer Society PSA (w/ son Larry Hagman) t53

Marx, Chico -- Promc28

Marx, Groucho --DeSoto c28

Marx, Harpo -- Pepsic28 / Prom c28

Masak, Ron -- Nice n'Soft toilet paper c3 / Tropicana c5 [Doing his Lou Costello schtick.] /Kellogg's sg7 / Nestle Crunch t43

Massimino, Rollie(basketball coach) – Windsor Shirts t54

Masterson, Danny –Tang t38

Matthius, Gail –Maxwell House t12 / Gaines Gravy Train? T17

Mattson, Robin --Santa Barbara t2

Mays, Willie – EmpireFord t10 / Empire Ford t11 / EF t15 / USA Today t19

McCann, Chuck --Pringles c4, t33 / Jack in the Box c12 / Byrrh aperitif c22 / Klondike Bars t60

McCarren, Fred –Quaker Instant Oats? T39

McCarthy, Kevin --"Alone Together" play c19 / same t20

McCarver, Tim –Cadillac ’86 t50 / Caddy t57

McCashin, Constance-- No Nonsense sg1

McClure, Marc --Kellogg's sg7 / AT&T t6 /

McClurg, Edie --McDonald's t1 / Tree Top Juice t37

McCormick, Maureen --Great Moves game c25

McDuffy, Laura -- Promises,Promises t24

McEnroe,John -- Bic Razors c14 / Sports Illustrated Xmas t10 / Bic t55

McEwen, Mark --Chunky Soup c17 / WPIX 11 c20 / Federal Express c20 / McDonald’s t23 / WNEW-FMt23

McFadden, Gates –Sara Lee Croissants t42

McGinley, Ted -- TheGap c14

McGovern, Terry --Shell '81 c8 / Vivitar sg5

McKean, John -- ForAssemblyman, NYC c4

McKeon, Doug -- IceBird c27 / Alpha-Bits c7 / Bubble Yumc30

McLish, Rachel – JackLaLanne Holiday Spa t24 / LaLanne (diff) T49

McMahon, Ed -- Providence Federal c3 / Budweiser VO c11 / Bud VO c22 / BudVO t5 / Mannington JT88 Never-Wax Floors t25 / MCI VO t26 / Mannington t27 /Craftmatic t48

McMahon, Jim – Miracle Whip t16 / Honda Scooters t29

McMillon, Doris --Big Apple Minute (Lower East Side) '80 c8

Meadows, Audrey --Butterball c8

Meadows, Jayne -- SalvationArmy PSA t28

Melle Mel -- NYCCrack PSA c17 / different t28

Mellencamp, JohnCougar – MTV t30 / MTV t66

Melman, Larry"Bud" -- Pringles '86 t2

Meloni, Christopher –Burger King Yumbo ’88 t6

Melton, Sid -- seeMake Room for Daddy

Melvin, Allan --Liquid-Plumr, 2 ads c57

Mendenhall, David --Lay's '82 c6 / Bumblebee Tuna t34 / Bumblebee (same?) t38

Meredith, Burgess --Bulova VO c11 / Keds VO c14 / Honda VO c16 / Honda Civic VO c67 / Florida OJ VO t4 / Honda VO t24 / Honda Civic VO t38 / Nutrasweet? VO T38/ Honda VO t44 / Maryland Tourism VO t46 / H VO t47 / Commodore 128 VO t50 / CaliforniaStrawberries (VO) t58 / Honda Accord (VO) t59 / Honda Accord t65

Meredith, Don --Showermate c9 / Lipton t29 / Lipton t39

Meriwether, Lee --Hollywood Christmas Parade '80 sg5

Metrano, Art –Rent-a-Center t46

Meyers, Ann -- 7 Upc5 / same sg3

Michaelson, Melissa-- Darcy doll c5

Midler, Bette --WPIX-FM c19

The Mighty Sparrow -- B's restaurant t65

Milano, Alyssa --AIDS PSA c16 / Hi-C t40

Mill, Andy (Olympian)– Fit Stiks t55

Miller, Penelope Ann– Ban ’84 t19

Milligan, Spencer --Anacin c61 / Colony Wine c61 / Kal Kan Cat Food t43 [Rick Marshall from"Land of the Lost."]

Mills, Donna – SunCountry Wine Cooler t30

Milonakis, Andy --Chew-eez? t2 [Can't imagine it could be anyone else.]

Miner, Jan (“Madge”)-- Palmolive c20 / P c32 / P t22 / P t38 / P t47 / t63

Minnefield, Frank(Cleveland Brown?) – American Red Cross PSA t6

Minnelli, Liza -- AChorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Miss America 1957Marian Ann McKnight -- FL Grapefruit Juice, 2 ads c21

Miss Teenage USACollette Daiute -- Ford c32

Miss Universe IreneSaez 1981 -- Carefree Gum [?]

Mizerak, Steve(billiards) -- Miller Lite c63

Modean, Jayne --Burger King Star Wars glasses c2 / Maybelline Kissing Stick c3 / Downy c12 /C&C Cola t35 / Sealtest Polar B’ar t38 / Diet Pepsi? T44

Modine, Matthew --Bell c13

Molinaro, Al --Southwest Bank c6 / Mr. Big t23

Monroe, Bill --Screwball game c25

Monroe, Earl"the Pearl" -- Jordache c5

Monroe, Marilyn --Union Oil c28

Montalban, Ricardo --Chrysler c1 / Chrysler Cordoba c64 / Chrysler New Yorker t21

Montana, Joe --Schick c20 / Diet Pepsi t15 / Draft Registration PSA t28 / Schick t47

Montgomery, Elizabeth-- see Bewitched

Moore, Mary Tyler --Hotpoint (as Happy Hotpoint), 2 ads, c24 / Juvenile Diabetes Foundation PSA t2/ JDF PSA VO t9 / JDF PSA t13 / JDF t40

Moranis, Rick --Pizza Hut (as Bob McKenzie, w Dave Thomas) t59

Moreno, Rita – TheOdd Couple B’way t20 / Pizza Hut t29

Morgan, Harry --Gaines Complete c22 / Continental American Life Insurance t31

Morita, Akio (Sonyhead) – American Express Card t20 / AmEx, long t51

Morita, Pat – PizzaHut t44

Morris, Mercury –Cocaine PSA t28

Morrissey, Bob –Promises, Promises t24

Morrow, Cloyce –Duster Plus t19

Morrow, Liza – LadyStetson t6 / Vaseline Lip Therapy t41

Morrow, Rob – SportsIllustrated Xmas t6 / Sports Illustrated t31

Morse, Robert --Pringles c4, t33

Moschitta, John --Federal Express c12 / Disney travel t16 / Olympus Quick Shooter t65

Moses, Liz (Lisa from3-2-1 Contact) -- Massengill Douche t61 / Clorox Bleach t65

Mouskouri, Nana –“Return to Romance” LP t7

Mr. Bill -- Pringles'86 t2 / Burger King t17

Mr. T – Burger KingWhopper t38 / New York Fair Housing Task Force PSA t42

Mull, Martin – PizzaHut t39 / Pizza Hut Xmas t51 / Diet Coke t58

Muni, Scott -- WNEW"Conversation with Yoko" c6 / WNEW 1983 Calendar c9 [NYC radio guy.]

Muppets -- Polaroid 6/ National Wildlife Federation PSA, mult ads c16 / NWF PSA t25 / Coronet (withRosemary Clooney) ’85 t57

Murphy, Dale (AtlantaBrave) – Sporting News t29

Nabors, Jim --"Heart-Touching Magic of... " LP sg3 [So seventies it hurts.Especially since it was the early 80's.]

Namath, Joe -- GreatAdventure c5 / Flash game c8 / St. Mary's linen c21 / St. Mary's linen (same)c23 / USA Today (with wife Debra) t13

Narz, Jack --Fixodent c22 / see Captain Video

Naughton, David -- DrPepper, mult ads c4 / DP c6 / DP c7 / DP c11 / DP sg6

Nelson: Ozzie,Harriet, Ricky, David -- Ricky, Listerine toothpaste c24 / see also Adventuresof...

Nelson, Jimmy (andFarfel the Dog) -- Nestle (old clips) t2

New Jersey Saints(Lacrosse) -- 2/87 c17

New York GiantsDefense -- Pepsi Lite c8

Newlin, Mike -- NYCAnti-graffiti PSA c6

Newman, Barry --Budget Rent-a-Car c12

Newman, Fred –Breyer’s Peach t20 / Breyer’s t48

Newman, Randy -- Nikec12 [Singing "I Love L.A."] / Nutrasweet VO t16

Newman, William --Hebrew National Kosher Beef Franks (as Uncle Sam) t61

Newmar, Julie --Vicks c22

Newsome, Tommy -- DietCoke t29

Newton, Connie --Milky Way c9

Newton, Juice --Pringles '86 t2

Nicklaus, Jack --Coke c4

Nicks, Stevie -- MTVc6

Nielsen, Leslie --Ford VO c11 / Ford c11 / Whirlpool VO c61

Nimoy, Leonard --Bell Labs VO, mult ads c13 / Shearson VO c20 / NJ Bell t48 / Sharp Portables(VO) t50 / NJ Bell, telescope t51 / New Jersey Bell t60

Nixon, Norm -- USDepartment of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement“Vote with a Friend” PSA t7

Nixon, Richard --Nixon Now! '72 c24

Nixon, Willard (RedSox) -- Camel c22

Noone, Kathleen --Maytag? t58

Norris, Christopher –Breyer’s Light t13

North, Alan -- Brimt61

Nye, Louis -- CoolWhip c22 / Consumer Info Catalog (Pueblo) t36

O'Connell, Jerry --Oreo c16 / Duncan Hines? c20 / Ritz Bits t8 / RB t13 / DH t16 / JEMS EmergencyFirst Aid (choking!) t30

O'Connor, Donald --Absorbine Jr. c11

O’Donnell, Chris –Sears t16

Oerter, Al (Olympian)– Campbell’s Chunky Soup t49 / same t52

Olsen, Merlin -- FTD Christmas t4 / FTD Easter t5 / FTD Xmas t9 / FTD soupbowl t16

Olson, Susan -- Sindydoll c1

O'Hara, Catherine --Dristan c9

O'Neal, Patrick --KOST-FM c2 / New York Post c19 / EAZY 101 t54

O’Neill, Jennifer –Cover Girl t16 / CG t19 / CG t34

Orbison, Roy --Sasson c7

Orlando, Tony – LaborDay Telethon t23

O'Ross, Ed --Schaefer c7

O'Rourke, Heather --Rainbow Brite c30

Osmond, Donny andMarie -- Hawaiian Punch c3 / HP '82 c14

Osmond, Ken -- McDonald’s(as Eddie Haskell) t9

Osmond, Virl – NJBureau of Fire Safety, deaf safety PSA t28

Page, Janis --"Alone Together" play c19 / same t20

Palmer, Arnold --Hertz c17 / Hertz t34

Palmer, Bud -- FL OJ,mult ads c21

Palmer, Jim -- Flashgame c8

Pankin, Stuart --Crocker Banks c7 / OK Cable c19, t29 / Vivid t21

Papp, Joseph – AChorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Pardo, Don – Ty-D-Bol(animation, VO) t51 / TV Guide (VO) t56

Parker Jr., Ray -- USDepartment of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement“Vote with a Friend” PSA t7 / Diet Coke t15 / DC t50

Parker, Sarah Jessica-- Ramblin' Root Beer [As Little Orphan Annie.]c6

Parseghian, Ara --Ford '73 c11

Paterno, Joe --Pennsylvania energy PSA t62

Paul, Richard --Wendy's c12 / Lawry’s t46

Peale, Dr. NormanVincent – Guideposts t27

Pearl, Minnie -- Spicand Span sg11

Pearson, Drew (DallasCowboy) – Students Against Drunk Driving PSA t11 / SADD PSA (same?) t67

Peck, Gregory – ILove New York t38

Pele -- Pepsi 14 /Pepsi c28

Peller, Clara --Wendy's c12 / Wendy’s (driving) t21 / Prego Plus (finding the beef) t25 /Wendy’s t43

Peluce, Meeno --Burnin' Key Cars c2 / Tiffles Chips c9

Pendergrass, Teddy --Celebrity Jeans c6

Pendleton, Austin --Caravelle candy c25 / Doubles, Ritz Theatre t65

Pennington, Marla –Quaker Instant Oats t39

Perdue, Frank --Perdue Chicken [Duh.] c12 / c17 / t2 / t12 / One with FP in shower, tux, withmany babes, another with guy in Perdue mask, t18 / t20 / mask t21 / fat lab t30/ Game Hens t63 / t66

Perry, William“Refrigerator” – Nutrasweet (w/ daughter) t16 / Kraft Macaroni and Cheese t29 /McDonald’s McDLT t43

Peters, Bernadette –“Song and Dance” (Broadway) t28

Petty, Richard –National Safety Council seatbelt PSA t7

Picasso, Paloma –American Express t45

Pierce, Billy (WhiteSox) -- Camel c22

Pinchot, Bronson –Maxwell House t27

Pintauro, Danny --Snoopy Playmate c1 / Pillsbury Pie Crust ’83 t55

Piscopo, Joe -- Miller Lite [as "Bruce Piscopo," really bad BruceLee take-off] '87 t5

Pitt, Brad -- Mountain Dew t5

Pittsburgh Penguins-- Jug Night '82 c10

Pittsburgh Steelers-- Uniroyal Tires c63

Plato, Dana -- Luv-Itclothes c2 / Noxzema c8 / Medic-Alert Bracelet PSA c9

Platters -- SchlitzMalt Liquor c12 / Red Lobster t16, t28

Plimpton, George --Intellivision '80c 4 / Pop Secret t31

Pointer Sisters –WPIX-FM t25

The Police -- MTV t66

Porizkova, Paulina --Revlon? c19 / Diet Sprite t17

Porter, Alisan -- Jell-O t67

Poston, Tom -- TomyPocket Cars c2

Powell, Jane –Cleopatra’s Secret t55

Powers, Stephanie –Cover Girl t34/ London Fog outerwear t54

Preservation HallJazz Band – Zenith t15

Presley, Priscilla -- Gordon's Jewelers t4 / GJ Xmas t18 / Quencher t24 /Crystal Light (karate) t46

Price, Leontyne --United Negro College Fund c19 [Bad!] / also t17

Price, Vincent -- NoJelly candy bar c25 / Tilex t4 / Real Dairy Cottage Cheese t15 / Citibank (withwife) t17 / Time-Life Books “Enchanted World” t22 / Tilex t24 / Gaviscon VO t25,t28 / Enchanted World Books VO t30

Priest, Pat -- WeightLoss Clinics c3

Prince, Faith --NyQuil t2 / PA and NJ HMO t46

Principal, Victoria-- Holiday Spa c5 / Jhirmack Hair Spray sg12 / Jhirmack Lumisilk t17 / Jhirmackt44 / Jhirmack Conditioner t45 / Arthritis Foundation PSA t46

Pringle, Joan - Bold3 t53

Pulliam, KeshiaKnight -- Disney World c17 / Pepsi c28 / Del Monte t38

Purcell, Sarah --Fayva c19 / Fayva t33 / Chevrolet t36 / Fayva t42 / Fayva t58

Mae Questel --Scottowels c1 / Scottowels, 2 ads c57 [As Aunt Bluebell. I also have her as thevoice of Matty Mattel.]

MikeQuick (Philadelphia Eagle) – Big Brothers and Sisters PSA t7 / PAD “Philadelphia ProAthletes Against Drunk Driving” t30

Anthony Quinn –Zorba t24 / same, diff. chyron t42

Radin, Roy -- Bally'sc10 [Look him up. I dare you.]

Ralph, Sheryl Lee --Sprint c20 / same t15

Ramos, Alex -- NYCAnti-graffiti PSA c6

Randall, Tony --UNICEF PSA c19 / Medic-Alert Bracelets PSA t7 / Variety Children’s Charity PSAt11 / Night of 100 Stars II t12 / Night of 100 Stars II t24 / Easy Off t25 /Easy Off t38 / NYC Water Conservation PSA t52, also t57 / Easy Off (in tux) t56 / Minolta TCW-1 (w/ George "The Animal" Steele) t64

Randolph, Jimmy --Albert Merrill School c1 / AMS, robots t12 / AMS t21 / AMS t24

Rapp, Joel -- BigApple Minute (Clinton Community Garden) c18

Rashad, Phylicia --Disney World c17

Rawls, Lou – UNCFParade of Stars telethon VO t26

Rawls, Sarah("Down-Home Chef") -- Accent '82 c8 / Accent '81 sg7 / Accent t42

Ray, Gene Anthony --NYC Anti-graffiti PSA c6 / US Department of Health and Human Services Office ofChild Support Enforcement “Vote with a Friend” PSA t7 / Diet Coke t22

Reagan, Ronald --"Reagan Reports" 10/12/80 (4m.) c3 / For President c8 / "Morningin America" c12 / United Negro College Fund PSA t11 / Reagan-Bush ’84 t21/ Peace Corps Africa (with PC Director Loret Miller Ruppe) t31 / Reagan-Bush’84 t33

Reagan Jr., Ronald –American Express t47

Redbone, Leon – KodakVO t16

Redding, Jheri(“cosmetic chemist”) – Nexxus t22 / Nexxus t33 / Nexxus t34

Redgrave, Lynn -- Weight Watchers Yogurt t5 / Same t8 / WW pizza t16 / WWt19 / WW apple pie t19 / WW t24 / WW t47

Reece, Beasley (“Pro Defensive Back”) – Ivory t43

Reed, Richard (author) – American Heritage Magazine t56

Reese, Mason -- Dunkin'Donuts Munchkins c2

Reeves, Dan (Broncoscoach) -- Dry Idea t2

Regan, Edward V. (NYSComptroller) – Unclaimed Funds PSA t52

Regina -- McGruff PSAc16

Reilly, CharlesNelson -- Excedrin c55 [Sans toupee.] / Kibbles and Chunks t20

Remini, Leah – Mandeet42 / same t43

Renee and Renato -- Return to Romance LP t66

Resin, Dan -- MTV t58

Retton, Mary Lou –Vidal Sassoon (with other 1984 Olympians) t37 / Wheaties t38 / EnergizerBatteries t50

Revering, Dave(Yankee) -- Spinal Cord PSA c3

Reynolds, Jack“Hacksaw” (49ers) – Miller ’85 t15 / / Amoco Gas t19

Reynolds, Joey –WFIL-AM 56 t26

Ribeiro, Alfonso –The Tap Dance Kid t15 / Pepsi t36

Rich, Buddy --Synsonics Drums c5

Richie, Lionel --Pepsi c12 / MTV c20 / Pepsi, mult, one with Urkel t15 / Pepsi t57

Riggs, Bobby -- PowerTennis c25

Riley, Gary -- Combos t66

Riley, Jack -- HondaCivic c14 / NCR t37 / Country Crock (VO) t56

Riley Jr., MayorJoseph – Charleston Disaster Relief Hotline (Hurricane Hugo) t7

Ringwald, Molly --Raisins c10

Riperton, Minnie --American Cancer Society c5

Rist, Robbie --Cheetos '81 c9

Rivera, Chita -- I Love NY Vacations t23

Rivers, Joan – MCI t7/ MCI mult (incl lookalikes, spoofing AT&T ad) t20 / MCI t26 / MCI t37 /MCI in office t51 / MCI t53

Rizzuto, Phil --Money Store c14 / MS Xmas c17 / MS, mult ads c19 / MS c68 / MS mult, one asSanta t9 / MS mult t10 / MS t14 / MS t25 / MS w/ Santa t26 / MS t28 / MS t54

Robards Jr., Jason --Commercial Credit Control Data, mult adsc11 / National Council on Alcoholism PSA c19 / American Express t40

Roberts, Doris --Fasteeth? c23

Roberts, Pernell --Horizon (as "Simon Stone") c21 / Ecotrin t2 / Ecotrin t5 / Folonari Soave t20 / National Kidney Foundation diabetes PSAt54

Roberts, Robin(Phillies) -- FL OJ c21

Roberts, Tony -- USNews and World Report t62 / Doubles, Ritz Theatre t65

Robertson, Cliff –AT&T t6 / AT&T t16 / AT&T (doubles ad, spoofed by Joan Rivers) t18/ AT&T mult t21 / AT&T t26 / AT&T mult t29 / ATT t44 / AT&T funhouse mirrors t51 / AT&T t55

Robertson, Oscar --Pepsi c28

Robinson, Chris –Vick’s (“I’m not a doctor…”) t45

Robinson, Edward G.-- Toastem c25

Robinson, Joey (Phil.Eagle) – “Let’s Bowl for Kids” PSA t46

Roche, Eugene -- Ajaxc9 / Bird's Eye pudding c22

Rockettes (Radio CityMusic Hall) – L’eggs ’84 t34

Rodgers, Bill(runner) -- New Jersey Marathon '85 t60

Rogers, Kenny -- Dolet2 / VH-1 t14 / HBO t19 / Golden Nugget (w wife and Steve Wynn) t59 / Roy Rogers ("Slow Down" jingle) t65

Rogers, Roy --Grape-Nuts c25 / Seven Seas dressings c57 / Roy Rogers t44 / RR t47

Rolle, Esther -- BlueBonnet c2

Roman, Freddie –Bonds VO t28

Romero, Cesar --Airports VO c32

Rooney, Mickey -- DrPepper sg6

Rooney, “Looney” Skip– WNEW Midday News promo t49

Rose, Pete -- GrecianFormula '82 c10 / Kool Aid c16 / same Kool Aid c17 / Nestle Crunch t2

Rossellini, Isabella– Lancome t20

Rossi, Carlo – RossiWines (with son Jim) t38

Rossi, Steve -- NewYork State Chiropractic Association PSA t33

Roth, J.D. -- NestleCrunch c7 / Oxydol t37 / Ocean Spray? T38

Rubik, Erno --Rubik's Magic Puzzle '86 c18 [Dracula appears in this. I think the joke is thatthey have the same accent.]

Rubin, Jennifer –Whitney’s Yogurt? T37 / Cherokee t42

Rudner, Rita –Congestac t38

Ruprecht, David --Green Spot drinks c6 / A1 Steak Sauce c7 / McDonald's c11

Russell, Jane –Playtex 18 Hour Bra t18

Russell, Mark – ILove NY PSA t45

Russo, Rene -- AzizaMascara? sg7 / Entre Nous Perfume Imitations t31 / Avon ’84 t36

Rutherford III, Johnny(race driver) --Oldsmobile t2 [With son, below.]

Rutherford IV, Johnny-- Olds t2

Ryan, Fran -- HungryJack Biscuits c61 / Hefty Cinch Sak t20

Ryan, Meg -- Aim '81c9

Sadler, Sgt. Barry –Cristy Lane’s “One Day at a Time” book and LP t15

Sadler, William –Anacin t38

Saget, Bob – AtomicTires t18 / AT t26 / AT t54

Saint James, Susan --TV Guide t38

Sales, Soupy -- WNBC,job opening after Howard fired (with Imus) t51

Saluga, Bill (seeJohnson, Ray Jay)

Samms, Emma -- TVGuide t58

San Diego Chicken –FTD “Chicken Soup Bowl Bouquet” t16 / Pogo-Bal t30

Sanders,"Colonel" Harland -- Kentucky Fried Chicken c12 / KFC c13

Sara, Mia -- Canon c9

Sarandon, Susan --Yardley c22 / A Chorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Sassoon, Vidal – Colorifict48

Savage, Brad --Hostess c10 / McDonald's ('74?) c35 / Amtrak t43

Savage, Fred -- Pac-Man Vitamins c9 / Fruit Roll Ups c18 / Cocoa Krispiest5 / Equal t66

Savage, Randy --Rubik's Magic Puzzle '86 c18

Savalas, George --Blue Bonnet c2

Savalas, Telly --Boys' Club c17 / Ford c20 / New York Newsday t15 / Players’ Club t24, t30 /Harrah’s (w/ wife?) t44 / Players’ Club t45 / Players’ Club t54

Scarpelli, Glenn –Prego t16

Schaefer, Laura J.(engineer) – Ford t40

Schell, Ronnie --Speed Tracker Baseball c16 / Great Moves game c25

Schenkel, Chris --Owens-Illinois glass bottles c4

Schirra, Wally(Apollo 7 Commander) – Actifed t26 / Actifed t34 / A t40 / A t44 / A t51 / At54

Schmidt, Mike –Holiday Fitness and Racquet Club in Willow Grove t7 / PAD “Philadelphia ProAthletes Against Drunk Driving” t30 / Tri-State Chevy t39 / Chrysler t63

Schramm, Tex (DallasCowboys President) -- EEOC Job Discrimination PSA t47

Schreiber, Avery --Squiibb c22 / Squibb c23

Schwartz, Scott -- OhWhat a Mountain game c4 / Macy's "Billy the Kid" clothes c4 /Alligator game c9 / Chapstick c9 / Yoo-Hoo c12

Scoggins, Tracy –Phisoderm t44

Scott, Barbara Ann(skater) -- Florida Orange Juice c24

Scott, Willard -- USAToday t19 / Lipton t29 / Diet Coke t40 / Princess Furniture t54

Seagren, Bob -- 3MBusiness Products Centers c23

Seaver, Tom --Sporting News c19 / Screwball game c25 / Amoco t52

Selleca, Connie --Tickle c59

Selleck, Tom -- Chazc3 / same c5

Septien, Rafael(Dallas Cowboys kicker) – EEOC Job Discrimination PSA t47

Serendipity Singers-- White Castle '79 c7 [Who? Beats me, but of the three guys and three gals inthis group, I'm gonna say four of them were stoned during filming.] / BestWestern t27

Sergeant Slaughter --G.I Joe contest c17

Seymour, Jane – LeJardin de Max Factor perfume t9

Sgt. Slaughter -- DietCoke t22

Shalit, Gene -- KodakDisc Camera c8 / Stage Two Trivia game t20

Shannon – WalkAmerica (“courtesy Mirage Records”)

Shannon, Scott (DJ) -- Z-100 Disney contest t66

Shatner, William –Tourette’s Syndrome PSA (dressed as T.J. Hooker) t10

Shaud, Grant --Macy's c17

Shearing, George –WNEW-am t22

Sheedy, Ally -- TicTac c4 / Clearasil c24

Sheen, Martin –AT&T (Watson computer) VO t38 / Pepsi (vo) t65 / Diet Pepsi (vo) t67

Sheffer, Craig -- Crush c7

Shelton, Deborah --WKHK-FM c9 / TV Guide t22

Shepherd, Cybill -- Montclair Water c9 / Loreal t5

Sheridan, Liz --Kraft Real Mayonaisse t49

Sheridan, Nicolette – Sugar-Free Jell-O t39 / No Nonsense Pantyhose t40 /NNP t47

Sheridan, Rondell -- AT&T t5

Shields, Brooke – Jack LaLanne t20 / Holiday Spa t30 / Anti-drug PSA (Phoenix House) t64

Shields (Robert) andYarnell (Lorene) -- WRFM-FM c10

Shore, Dinah – HollyFarms Roaster t24 / Holly Farms t29 / HF mult t31

Shortridge, Stephen-- Certs sg12 / Head & Shoulders t10 / Mitsubishi t30 / Speed Stick t41

Shue, Elisabeth --Oxywash c9

Shula, Don –Veteran’s Life Plan Card t15

Shull, Richard B. --Long John Silver '77 c4 / Vlasic Dills t1

Siegel, Mo –Celestial Seasonings t43

Sikes, Cynthia –One-a-Day t24

Sikking, James B. --Firestone c11 / Suicide Intervention PSA t49

Silk, Van -- NYCCrack PSA c17 / different t28

Silva, Carol –Kitchen Beautiful t48

Silver, Ron --Scottowels c57

Silverman, Jonathan-- Mad Magazine Game? '79 c8

Silvers, Phil --Camel c22

Simmons, Richard --Anatomy Asylum c9

Simpson, O.J. --Treesweet OJ c2 / Hertz c17 / Boys' Club c18 / Made in the USA t22 / Hertz t23/ Hertz t34 / Hertz t39 / Ginsu Knives [Gotcha.]

Sinatra, Frank --Chrysler Imperial c8 / Chrysler c12 / I Love New York (with cast of “Cats”) t38

Sinclair, Jon(Olympic runner) – Z-Bec Vitamins t12

Singer, Lori -- USDepartment of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement “Votewith a Friend” PSA t7

Slater, Helen -- Raisin Bran sg1 / DoT seat belt PSA (as Supergirl) t64

Slattery, John –Sports Illustrated t56

Slattery, Richard X.-- Union 76 Gas (as Murph) Christmas c9

Smith, Bubba -- Hertzt34 / The Book t55

Smith, Buffalo Bob --see Howdy Doody Show

Smith, Hal -- MattelElectronics '80 c4 [Otis the Drunk as Santa!] / Kodak t29

Smith, Howard K. –“Let’s Work Together” PSA t47

Smith, Jaclyn – JackLaLanne t10 / Star Magazine t16 / Max Factor t33 / Star (same?) t43

Smith, Kathy --Gillette t2 [Now that I think of it, this might be a still shot, not anappearance.]

Smith, Ozzie -- Vesssoda c6

Smith, Shawnee --McDonald's? c2

Smith, Shelley -- Banc12 / Ban (same?) c64

Smith, Will -- FreshPrince Hotline c69 / same t2

Smothers Brothers –Stouffer’s French Bread Pizza t6

Smythe, Patti –Frank’s Soda t22

“Sneed Brothers” –Star Chrysler Plymouth t8

Snipes, Wesley – SonyHandicam, xmas t50

Snow, Phoebe --Pillsbury cake VO c17

Sokol, Marilyn -- NYLottery c17 / WCBS America promo (as Betsy Ross) t51

Soles, P.J. --Polaroid Polavision c11 / Pampers c21

Somers, Suzanne --Ace Hardware '81 c6 / Ace Christmas '80 c7

Sparks, Dana --Secret t2 / New Coke t65

Sperling, Sy – HairClub for Men t10 / HCM t48

Spielberg, David -- NCRt37

Spillane, Mickey –Lite (“Case of the Missing Case”) ’85 t

St. John, Jill -- OceanSpray t13

Stang, Arnold --Nerfles? VO c17 / Honey Nut Cheerios? c17 / Crest VO c22 / Wacky Wheel VO c25

Stanley, Florence --Honda '87 c18 / Dunkin’ Donuts t43

Stapleton, Jean --Gain c22

Starr, Mike – Canoeby Dana cologne t51

Starr, Sally(Philly-area kiddie-show host) – PA Home Health Services t17

Staubach, Roger --Rolaids c9

Steel, Amy – Bountyt35 / Dimension Shampoo t36

Steele, George "The Animal" -- Minolta TCW-1 (w/ Tony Randall) t64

Steinbrenner, George-- Yankee Franks c7 / Lite c14 / Pepto Bismol c21

Stern, Howard -- WNBC(w/ Imus) c20 [Okay, he's not really in it. His poster is defaced by passersby.As a fan I had to include it.]

Stevenson, McLean --Dolly Madison c13

Stewart, Jackie – FordMustang '79 c11 / Ford concept cars, Taurus t50 / Ford Mustang t57

Stewart, James --Firestone c11 / American Cancer Society ("The Shootist" scene) c23

Stiers, David Ogden –California Prunes t38

Stiles, Ryan –Chrysler t2

Stiller (Jerry) &Meara (Anne) – United Jewish Appeal Federation ’85 telethon t14

Storch, Larry -- NYDaily News t12 / Daily News t25

Strangis, Judy --Barbie Star Traveler c4 / same c26 / same c3 [She played Dynagirl to DiedreHall's Electra-Woman. But you knew that.]

Strawberry, Darryl(NY Mets) -- Milk c18 / NYC Summer Jobs ’85 PSA t45

Strong, Brenda –Always Plus Maxi Pads t8

Struthers, Sally -- Madein the USA t18 / The Odd Couple B’way t20 / Made in the USA t44

Sullivan, Susan --Tylenol t1 / Tylenol t2 / T t17 / T t41

Summer, Donna -- TheBook t55

Summerall, Pat – TrueValue paint t49

Sumners, Rosalyn –Disney’s World on Ice t35

Sure, Al B. -- 900Hotline c69

Sussman, Todd –Cheerios t11 / Palmolive t44 / Match Light charcoal t55

Swayze, John Cameron -- Squibb Vigran c23

Swayze, Patrick --Burger King c14

Sweeney, D.B. – USArmy t39

Swit, Loretta –Mastercard t36

Syms, Sy – Sym’s t38

Tambor, Jeffrey --Breakstone's c1

Tanner, Chuck(Pirates) -- Fireworks Night '83 c9

Tayback, Vic --Animals PSA c8

Taylor, Holland --America's Banks c11

Taylor, Lawrence -- DraftRegistration PSA t28

Taylor, Meschach –Kleenex t49

Taylor, Rip –Juvenile Diabetes Telethon (wig under wig!) t46

Taylor, Robert --Maxwell House c21

Teefy, Maureen --McDonald's sg11

Temple,Renny – Bud Light t39 / Cinnamon Toast Crunch t55 [Not to be confused with Ray Buktenica.]

Celebrity Commercial Listings! (Visiting from My Other Blog) (2)

Tewes, Lauren -- TV Guide t64

Theus, Reggie --

Anti-smoking PSA t48

Thomas, Clarence (pre-SCOTUS) -- EEO PSA t67

Thomas, Danny –Smoker’s Polident t21 / American Patriot Health Insurance t24 / Union FidelityLife Insurance t41 / see Make Room For Daddy

Thomas, Dave --Cadbury c3 / Pizza Hut (as Doug McKenzie, w Rick Moranis) t59
[From SCTV, not Wendy's.]

Thomas, David Clayton-- RC Cola VO c17 / Good Seasons VO t12 / GS VO diff t13

Thomas, Henry -- Diet Coke t40

Thomas, Isaiah – Anti-smoking PSA t48

Thomas, Jay --Time-Life Books c19

Thomas, Kurt(gymnast) – Campbell’s Chunky Soup t51

Thomas, Richard –Minute Maid (w/ family) t17

Thompson, John(Georgetown Hoyas head coach) – Selective Service PSA t52

Thornburgh, Gov. Dick-- PA Lottery

Three Stooges --Simoniz c28

Tiegs, Cheryl --Sears c5 / Scatter Perm c55

Tobolowsky, Stephen-- Federal Express c6

Toski, Bob (golfer)-- Dash c22

Townshend, Pete --MTV c6

Travalena, Fred --CBN line-up (as Jack Benny and George Burns), two ads t2

Travis, Nancy – RoyRogers t44 / same t46

Trevino, Lee – AmocoUltimate t47

Trueman, Freddie(cricketer) – Lite t22

Tucci, Michael -- Sizzler t65

Tuiasosopo, Manu (SanFrancisco 49er) -- McDonald's "Hats Off" t49

Tune, Tommy --American Lung Association PSA c17 / MyOne and Only c20

Tupper, Loretta –North Shore Animal League t42

Turner, Janine –Renuzit Roommate ’87 t6

Turner, Ted -- Citibank t66

Twiggy -- AmericanLung Association PSA c17 / My One andOnly c20

Tyler, Willie (&Lester) -- Toyota c1 / McDonald’s t38 / McDonald's (with girlfriend dummyOphelia) t63

Bob Uecker -- MillerLite t60

Bonnie Urseth --Wrigley's Gum c9

Vaccaro, Brenda –Playtex Tampons t19

Vale, Michael --Breakstone's (as Sam Breakstone) c1 / Breakstone's c2 / Dunkin' Donuts c12 / Consumer Catalog PSAc61 / DD t24 / DD croissants t30 / DD t33 / DD t40 / DD t42 / DD t43 / DD t51 /Black Flag Roach Motel t62

Valentine, Bobby (NYMets) -- Sports Illustrated c17 / Daytop Anti-drug PSA t30

Valery, Dana --Lenny's Clam Bar c10

Van Ark, Joan --Harvey's c21

Vance, Vivian --Maxwell House (as Maxine) c11 / MH c21

Vanderbilt, Gloria --GV belts c5 / Kids' Wear c8

Vandis, Tito -- IvorySnow c21

Van Dyke, Dick --Kodak c3 / Busy Puppets c5 / National Fire Protection Association PSA (as TheGreat Vandini) / Hunt’s BBQ Sauce t30 / NFPA PSA (as “The Detector” t31 / Hunt'sBarbecue Sauce t63

Van Lidth, Erland-- United? t60

Van Patten, Dick –Olds Delta 88 (with sons and wife) t18 / Legend Pharmacies t23 / Thermal-GardWindows mult t46 / Legend t52 / Thermal-Gard Windows t53 / TG t54

Varney, Jim (asErnest) -- Braum's c6 / Cream O'Weber Hi-Land milk c7 / Water Safety PSA, lowaudio t8 [Plus a ton of ads that are included on a cheapo Ernest DVD box set Iown.] /

Vereen, Ben – “Grind”(B’way) t22

Vermeil, Dick (PhiladelphiaEagles coach) – Cadillac t46

Vigoda, Abe -- Social Security PSA t5 / The Book t55

Vigran, Herb -- Trivial Pursuit t65

Vila, Bob – Time-Life Home Repair Books t27

Villard, Tom – 7 Up t9

Villechaize, Herve --Blue Bonnet c2 [Yes, wearing the bonnet.]

Villella, Edward -Philadelphia Dance Alliance t53

Vinovich, Steve -Organ Donor PSA t53

Viscuso,Sal – KoolAid t20

Volz, Nedra -- Jackin the Box c12

Von Furstenburg,Diane -- DVF c2

Von Oy, Jenna -- CareBears underwear? c16 / National Dairy Board t17 / Bounce t18 / Terminix t30 /Sugar Free Kool Aid t31 / Triaminic t44 / Pan Am (official airline of Cabbage PatchKids!) t53

Von Sydow, Max -- Mueslix VO? t5 [Sure sounds like him.]

Vranes, Danny (“basketball player?”) – Ivory Soap t7, same t21

Wagner, Lindsay – Nescafe t12 /Infant Health PSA (short) t58

Walken, Christopher -- A Chorus Line (milestone celebration) t36

Walker, Herschell -- train safety "Operation Lifesaver" PSA t64

Walker, Kim – Love’s Baby Soft t50

Walker, Nancy --Bounty (as Rosie), mult ads c12 / Bounty for Microwaves t7 / B t17 / B t22 / Bt35 / B (wrestler) t44 / B t53 / Bounty Microwave t59

Walker, Wesley --Meals on Wheels PSA c14

Wallace, George --Vietnam Message c24

Walsh, J.T. –Lowenbrau t15

Walters,Laurie – Cheerios t11 / Secret t55

Ward, Lyman -- SkinnyDip cologne c56[Ferris Bueller'sdad.]

Ward, Sela -- Camayc12 / Maybelline '79 sg2 / same Mayb. sg3 / same sg5

Warfield, Marsha -- Burger King '88 t5

Warhol, Andy -- Diet Coke t22

Warner, Julie -- Alpot2

Warner, Malcolm Jamal-- PTA PSA c17 / Disney World c17

Washington, Denzel –Governor Cuomo’s Nutrition Education PSA t20

Washington Jr.,Grover - Foster Homes for Retarded Adults PSA t53

Watkins, Linda -- Star magazine t64 / Star t66 / Star t67 / ShopRite t67

Watson, Tom (golfer)-- E.F. Hutton c22 / Golf Digest t10 / “Official Rules of Golf” video t47

Watson, Vernee --Tonka c14 / Dawn c22 / Cheer t1 / Wesson t17 / Del Monte t38

Wayans, Keenan Ivory– Kentucky Fried Chicken ’84 t40

Wayne, John --American Cancer Society (scene from "The Shootist") c23

Wayne, Patrick --Marathon candy, two ads c25

Weaver, Fritz --Smithsonian c20

Wedgwood, Lord Piers– American Express t50

Weitz, Bruce -- Hanes t5 / PTA Drunk Driving PSA t22 / Burger King Whoppert61

Welch, Charles C. – Pepperidge Farm cookies t54

[Yep, he’s that old guy who was the PF pitchman starting in ’77.]

Welch, Raquel -- VicTanny Spa c5 / Crystal Light t2

Welch, Tahnee – DietCoke t29

Welles, Orson -- DarkTower game c5 / NYNEX car phones VO? T12

Wences, Senor --Parkay (Johnny) c65 / Rolf’s Gift Center (Johnny and Pedro) t13 [Yes, he doeshave a real name. Like you know it.]

Wendt, George --Meister Brau '87 t59

Westheimer, Dr. Ruth-- OK Cable c19, t29 / LifeStyles condoms t56 / same? t62

Wheeler, John -- National t64

White, Betty -- Sprayn' Wash, mult ads c11

White, Jaleel – Pepsit15 / Kraft Macaroni and Cheese t43

White, Jesse – Maytagt50 / M t58

Widdoes, James (Jamie)-- Olds Cutlass '79 c11 / Planter’s Cheez Balls t41 / 4 Way Nasal Spray t52

Wilcox, Larry --Sidekicks candy c25

Wilder, Yvonne -- USTelecom t21, t26

Williams, Barry --Great Moves game c25

Williams, Billy Dee –Jovan Musk t50 / Jovan (with Morgan Fairchild) t52

Williams, GuntherGebel -- American Express c11 / same c13

Williams, Willie B.-- Genovese c6 / Genovese t21 / G t36 / G t37 / WNEW-AM 1130 (VO)[NYC radio guy]

Willis, Bruce -- Seagram's Wine Coolers t1 / Seagram's t5 [Pairs well with"The Return of Bruno." Preferably in an incinerator.] / Levi’s 501 (brief)t16 / Seagram’s t29 / Levi’s 501 t38 / Seagram’s Golden t44

Wilson, Dick (Mr.Whipple, Charmin) -- c4 / scouts c5 / Old Whipple c6 / Whipple's double c6 /old Whipple (d) c7 / Robbie the Robot c7 / c10 / c13 / new cashier c22 / spinsters c22 / c22 /lifeguard c22 / mirror c22 / megaphone c22 / shrink c22 / cop c22 / nephewOrville c22 / "Windmill Whipple" c23 / his twin Elmer c24 / t21 / multt37 / hidden from real housewife Jeanne Kilduff t45 / t61

Wilson, Flip – TenderVittles ’85 t25 / Colgate Flip Cap t44 / Tender Vittles t51

Wilson, Mary Louise-- Horizon c21 / Horizon (same?) c24 / The Book t23

Wilson, Rita –Scottowels t12 / Sears? T23 / Hallmark t48

Winchell, Paul -- Fisher Nuts VO c20 / Mini-Wheats c30 / Dow BathroomCleaner VO c57 / Raisin Bran '88 t5 / Fisher VO t43

Winfield, Dave -- NYSummer Jobs c18 / NY Daily News t12 / Sunday Daily News t25

Winslow, Michael --Suzuki c16 / New Jersey Lottery t42[The guy from"Police Academy" making with the funny noises.]

Winter, Ed --Harvey's c21

Wonder, Stevie –Kodak Batteries VO t9 / USDOT drunk driving PSA t63

Woodruff, Largo --Cadbury Eggs c7 / same c12 [I remember her from"The Funhouse" and "Bill." You remember her from nothing.]

Wright, Max –AT&T t37

Wyatt, Jane -- Jubileec21 / Jubilee (same?) c22

Wyndham, Victoria --Soap Opera Digest t62

Wynn, Steve -- GoldenNugget (w Kenny Rogers and wife) t59

Wyss, Amanda -- TheBroadway c5

Weird Al Yankovic --Diet Coke t40

Chuck Yeager -- GM,mult ads c13 / AC Delco t49

Garo Yepremian --Right Guard c59

Dick York -- seeBewitchedHela Young -- NJ Lottery t66

Robert Young --Sanka c8 / Sanka, mult ads c11

BarrieYoungfellow -- Gainesburger c21 [As herself, strangely enough. She was on "It's aLiving," later "Making a Living." Write that down, it's important.]

Henny Youngman --New York Telephone c18 / NYT t9 / Rib-it Restaurant, two ads t30 / NYT t35

PeterZezel (Philadelphia Flyers) -- PAD “Philadelphia Pro Athletes Against Drunk Driving”t30

Ian Ziering -- A&W Root Beer? c7 / Duncan Hines t22

Celebrity Commercial Listings! (Visiting from My Other Blog) (2025)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.