Commercial from Bangor, Maine (2025)


Children 500 30, 280 35, THE GREAT HORSE RACE SCENE, Seat Sale Open MATINEE NIGHT THURSDAY, MARCH 21 UNCLE JOSH SPRUCEBY 4 Street Parade: at Noon.SEE The Great Saw Mill Scene. PRICES 100 and 20c, 330 30c, 500. 1 Sate Open A SPECAL! FRIDAY SATURDAY, SAT. MAT. MCH.

22-23 A The Will The J. Season's Most Brilliant Attraction I Block Amusemeut Company's Superb Production. COMING THRO' V. Hobart THE RYEE Music by A. Words by Geo.

Baldwin Sloane 80 In the Company-Comediane, Slugers, Dancers. FRANK" LALOR STELLA MAYHEW Dense Gibson; Florence. Townsend, Alnia Youllp, John Park, Frank Riley Hatch, Perciyal Jennlugs and all the others of the original Doane, Fm. "The Girl With the White The Fiji Girls, the G38-Gee Girls The Sechery. Pony Ballet, the Newport Belles The Eeauty Chorus of Sixty! and Other.

Effects or the Utmost Grandeur. The Whole 5 Compassiug. a Veritable Terpelchore and Festival of Brilliant Charming Musle; Delightful Chromatte Splendor. IT IS. THE QUINTESSENCE OF PRISMATIC MAGNIFICENCE! United States Cup- Sheaf I'resent Day of.

Last. Achierement Season: in la the Concededly, thee Distinguishing Musical Comedy, Success Wonder Work: Stage PRICES Night, to $1.30 $1.00. Sale Opens Wednesday. 7--- "A CONCERT TOO COOD TO BE MISSED." In City Hall, Thursday Evening, Mar. 21 Miss Clara Clemens, (Daughter of Contralto, Mark Twain) Miss Marie: Nichols; of Violinist Boston, Mr.

Charles Edmund Wark, Pianist featn Heats, one slay 75c and $1.00. Tickets entitling befure public sale, now on sale at bolder Andrews' to choice of reserved K. F. Dillingban's. store and WINTER BANGOR BOWLING ACADEMY 09 AND 100 UNION Opposite Bangor House.

to Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o'clock Every run 15 weeks from Jan. 14th. Come and see the boys break all old records. JORDAN, NELSON HARMON. TO REDUCE THE COST OF PAINTING USE THE BEST! Impervious PAINT.


MAIN ST. Patterns If it is anything. in the Merchant Tailoring Line CAN 'FURNISH IT AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION ALWAYS: HOOPER THE TAILOR, 16 Harlow Mo Bangor, Protect the Complexion From the bright sunshine or this March winds that tan so We show billy. fine assortinent of NEW SPRING VEILING. INAUGURAL OF MAYOR HANSON Arraignment of Former Republican Officials in His.

Belfast Address A Belfast, March The newly elected govern was organized and took the oath of bmce at 10 morning. The address as delivered by Mayor Edgar F. Hanson was an interesting oue aud was listeued to with deep' Interest. Mr. Hanson spoke as follows: "Gentlemen of the City Council: fellow-eitizens, baring conf.

deuce in dar hodesty and ability, have chosen us to control and manage the 'corporate of our: city. The great responsibility that we bare. assumed should cause us each tu carefully consider that the best interesta of every citizen demands our careful constderation: in the management of the city's affairs. it is true that in the city ernmeut organized here today is vested the control of the city's business affairs, we must not forget that we shall be sub- 1: HON. EDGAR F.

RANSON, Belfast' Munda Mayor and Who Was, 1 Inaugurate! Made Breezy Address, jeet criticism, to both. but this friendly and unfriendly very fact should cause us to more firmly resolve to conduct the city's business interests trusted regardless to of us, fear honestly ur and intelligently. would warn you against permitting any influence from any source, bowerer high, to swerve you from that which is right. It is well to listen to adrice from our fellow-citizens, but you should not act hastily. but weigh well and i care fully consider its ultimate effect, betore acting.

the "You bire tbe power to appoint and power to remove many of the city's and I would advise thht exercise this power carefully and 1 you have conclusive eridence preseuted to you that any official under your supervision is incompetent. negligent, or rendering inemcient service. it iN your duty to remove him, and would suggest that yon exercise the power without fear and without special favor. removal whenever duty demands it. that the members of this city, government other and will tbat work -we in shall harmony always exbibit tolerance toward those.

whose. opinions way differ, bowerer. widely, from our own. Let us lay aside ererything that will binder our co-operating for the beat welfare of one city. "I can assure you that every member of this board will receire the saine courtesy and attention at ins bands whether elected by the same roters that elected me, or dr the rotes of those who opposed me.

tian, We but. act know no to together as the citizens of. our commonwealth. OUR FINANCIAL CONDITION. total liabilities are.

nccording to the treaaurer's report, $507,077.31. "Our principal asset is 5,000 shares of the capital of the B. M. R. Co.

of the -par value of $300,000. this 3,004 nonpreferred, and pays little lost than three per cent. The remaining 1.306 shares preferred stock and pare alx per cent: This stock could probably be sold: for an amount aggregating about 000. control, provided but was within the city's Any benefit derived by the placed in the hands of trustees, to be field until 1918, or the maturity the four per. cent.

bonds, refunded by ment. my successors in. the' governfuture value of this stock in problematical and I think It evident to erery good business man that it there is any way. by which this stock cAn be sold and the indebtedness the city' decreased. it should he done.

think hare not yet infestignted, it possible that arrangements can made with some. reliable. banking purchase the $477.000 outstanding bonds at their market sell the railroad stork, apply the proceeda to the liqnidating of a portion Indications of. Stomach: Storms. sometime appear when least expected.

Acute indigestion, flatulence, nausea, sick headache, biliousness, eructations are. a few sigdals which, should not unneeded. Any of these conditions Indicate some disturbing clement which needs to be calmed aud removed. Take 4 14 I Pills and you will safely weather all these storms of Their benign and healthful in- I Anence, is felt at once. They soothe, tone lavigorate the organs of digestion, regulate the bile, dispel the blues and create a settled condition of stomach health.

Buy a box at the nearest drug store and keep them on hand for emergencies. They will Make all the Difference In boxes with full directions, Mc and 25c. bi the city bonds tire balance, 'retaining portion of the Trot the sale of stork for the erectiou of school buildIf this cannot, be done, then our will drink to the drags the prepared for them by the spousible for the refuading scheme tliat placed the city stock beyuud ber reach. shall give this matter careful lion later. TAXES.

And the tax rate for the past was two mills or $20 per thousaud, aud many citizens complaiu that this rate la brudensome. rile cause of our high rate of taxation la directly chargeable to the perpetuation of the city' edness and mismnnagement of its adairs by men- who were known us Tux ledueere, and later -no Republicaus: Under their coutrol and manipulation, the city has been plunged to the extreme limit of and they aloue are sible for the present condition. do not mention this to stir up. strife but hecause these wen are quick to charge the bigh tax rate to the govern went an though it were Demveratie wit "nanagement justead of that has brought the its to its present touEdition. "Realizing how dearily the burden of taxation rests upou many, I trust it will found possible to meet the requirebents of the city by so judiciously ex.

pending funds that reduced rate quay be found possible. HIGHWAYS. "It -the consensus of public opinion of correct, over our $12,000 streets, daring the past expenditure in a very condition. Come paratively little iponey Was expended on bridges and during the year past, and we, therefore need no stronger: illustration of the fact that we ghould abandon the methods of street. building that we have practiced for 30 yarN with aura undesirable results, occurs to nie it is time to make and apply crushed rock-which can 116 procured! very economically in this the same.

into the hoary surfare of steam the roller, road, by 'instead of of Act having: gravel we have done for years With goul drainage. the rond. properly. graded, and surfared crushed OnE work will become Mitch more nent and satisfartory. would recanmend.

it financial permit, purchase of a heavy rock ernsher and suitable steam roller. in suburban districte bare informed me that if a crusher is placed in their district, they will supply rock to the ernsher free, and I aw. confideut that a cubic cord of crushed rock ready for application in any part of the city, will not exceed in: cost the same amount of gravel as applied for the past year, aDd in wy opinion, cord of crushed rock properly applied, is worth several cords of gravel: one drawn by horses. It can be turned A stern roller is much superior to and worked on very small space, can be operated crosswise of the street, ur run In any direction the operator pleaser, thus in a uniformi surface. It can be operated ut cost not exceeding per day, to luclude the wages of the operator, and fuel.

The. road connissioner for the current year. will fir seriously handicapped -as his, predecessor will leave: deficit instead surplus, "and 'a large part of the current appropriation must be expended on bridges, leaving him the comparatively small amount for use our high wars. am informed that the lower bridge must be entirely new plauked, that the beads ot the piling, in some cases, are bridge 14 also a legacy from the men tersive and expensive repairs. This rotting, and the bridge must a undergo who, penny-wise and pound-foolish, opposed the building of steel bridge that: would hare been more than self-supporting by reason on of the rental that wet hare: receired front the electric road.

am informed that the upper bridge will reqntre an expenditure of than although thin bridge was built less than three Fears ago. present condition due to the use of suitable material and is another Illustratian caused of by the result incompetence. of mismanagement wronld advise the continuation the building of the State road, and that far as possible the work on our highways be inade ad permanent. AN practicable. would recommend that you gire the needs of the city in this department your careful consi leration before making your appropriation.

SEWERS. two cases of infectious or tagious diseases during the past year reportel by the board of health, wilich would indicate that the sanitary conditions of our city are very satisfactory. There is little if any urgeut 4temind for. extension of sewers but there are some short Sections that should be completed. and would recommend appropriation for continuing this work.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. I beliere that we hare a very emolent fre department and I note by report of the chipt engineer that it Is reasonably well equipped to tneet ordinary conflagrawithin the limit of our hydrant per his report I would recommend the purchasing of such hand chemical tire extinguishere as may be necemary, I also believe that Seaside Hose ahould be newisted in procuring n. anitalile hose wagon, for the pun of which they already bare a considerable amount by citizens. bellere the protectors of our homes and lives should hare suitable tie for, their services, and it they are nut such remuneration, I wrould advise that the matter, be given suitable attention. 61 men are employed as guar diana of Ure and property against the devouring element, no.1 during the year but two fin have done.

any consideratle damage. One of these was bee reach of the tire department. 'and in the other case the Are had practically revoured the interior of the building be fore an alarm was LIBRARY. citizen may take a just pride in our library. Its: good work is eridently appreciated AN by the Sarge number of hooks supplied to our citizens.

It is in fret class fivancial condition. and I hear no complaint against these in charge. 4 educational department of car city is oue of the most: lwportant in our whole aucial system. Here: we train and educate those upon whom' will Noon de rave the responsibility of good citizeneblp. While we are attending to their mendevelopment we exercise hest care possible of their physiral eunditiou.

dr Crowded rooms, with poor rentilatian. unsauitars! conditions, in AImI around buildings, way lay the fongdatinn for insidions discase that will eventually terminate in years of and death. Falling to supply the proper conditions. we fail to perform our duty, toward are largoly dependent upon the care we those whose present and future welfare them is unneressary for me to enter into detail, for the condition of every our school buildings is: well known to That the city needs a. mater building in what was formerly known as the Central district.

is acknowledge I by every one, hnt the problem of how to obtain it remains unsoired: unless some method can be discovered by which, the work of those who placed the principal asset railroad stock- begond her control, can be undone. Tuese gentlemen deliherntely placed the city where she cannot build molern schoolhouse ineet al her most urgent' Deeds, last of money Increase her liabilities. where it requires, auy. outa The method of creating fund by setting aside sum each sear to be ased the erection of a at future time as inaugurated try the last city according to the written opinion of the elty solicitor, solutely Illegal. method, therefore, which seemed to promise solution of! sthe cannot be continued without danger causing' the city serions trouble collection of I regret to may must be abandoned.

the city control her railroad stock, see little bore erecting school building. after the city comes in Hayford block, which will he la about years. POur Immediate needs demand' that such temporary repuire be wade on the present school buildings as to i quired to ensure safety, and the sanitary conditions pumible. under the I acknowledge that this is wholly undesirable but we. Ince conditions not theories.

scholars show very gratifying progress, which is proof positire that we have a very corps of teachers, and by the way it is claimed that the walary they receive is inadequate for the very excellent serrice rendered. nad would advise that rou gire this matter dne consideration. am pleased to eight urban schools, in which nine teachers are emploxed. -have been re-established; thus demonstrating that ay contention--when formerly serving as Sunr mayor -that these schools should be re-opeued, was correct. superintendent.

Mr. Knowlton. pridently satisfactory 1 lie for the I has bear shown re-arrangement no of complaints. considefalle souse and depart 1 I believe thereby reliefing the rougested conditio much possible. shon'd no making necessary appropriations for this 1 CITY PARK.

That we hare: one of the must 1 tifully located parks fo he found on the coast. of Maine 1- thiuk, well evilest. The band of art can here arist. Nature in making this park a beautiful. getu that will remain a source of pleasure our posterity for ancocoding To clothe this park with vesture of licauty.

attractively will ret quire the expenditure of a arge amount af lahor and mones. As the city is position financially to render such aid could be desired. I am the opinion that the work of beautifying this park can be commenced fat very early date aud carried on with the gelProus, assistance. of the citizens of Betfast until we shall have a park: beauti ful to behold. "In' furtherance of this plan, and to the end that' no tium be lost, woukl recommend that a competent landscape gardener who has bad experience in lut, ing out parks, be employed to commence work as soon 08.

the muow has departed and lay out the park in au artistic manner, make detailed plans, out: the different sections, indicate ou the plan the: kind of tunt: required for each section, and bar. procured such plan, extend All invite: tion not ouly to the residents of Belfast, but to its citizens who bave waudered afar. to coutribute trees and shruba, planted as indicated ou the plan. beliere that many of the publicspirited people who live In our city, forwer residepts, now residing, elsewhere, will be pleased to aid in the beautifying" of our park by selecting some section--to be named after them, it they please--where under their special instruction the work may he done in cordance with the plan, or so modified the landscape gardener as to weet the approval of the party selecting the section, if such change is desired. 1.

would suggest that on Arbor das every. citizen of Belfast be invited to plant, or cause to be planted, some ur shrub, fu accordance with the plau. We do not want oriental trees or; shrubs, but those of bardy nature. and interwita those of a more: ornamentnature should appear maples, birches, evergreens, etc, that are to our state. "I believe if this plan is followed, the coming spring will show marvelous change in the appearauce of our park.

spirited citizens bare voludthrily offered to act in the capacity of park commissioners, without salary, and it: ban been suggested that the salary for such commissioners be discontinued, and the suD as amount thereof, with such additional tue city way choose to add, or ritizens douate, be expended in employ. ing experienced help in setting and fertilthe trees and shrubs: supplied bi the citizens. "I heartily recommend the adoption of this suggestion and will advise that the ordinance creating a salaried commission lie repealed and such other steps token will breathe new life into project. trustees, believe we should create board I time pome for it is possible at ten make a person or persons way desire for the benefit pecuuiary donation or quest of our park, and to the tie and that legally such received donntions and or expended bequests may in rordance with the uf the donors respectfully board of a trustees. recommend.

the creating HYDRANT SERVICE: Wheeler, the in city's contract with. Parks few months we at the rental for the original feet waterworks, time. which of the completion of the per year; thereby to, about 'amount that must to redurios the direct taxation, raised annunily our tax payers. aud to this extend coliert from We only shall, a part howerer, this experience relief municipal of, rental during new has contract been would supposed that A be RESULTS TELL There Can Be No Doubt About the Results in Bangor Results tell the tale, All doubt is removal. The testimony of a.

Bangor citizens Can be easily, investigated. What proof can be chad? Joseph Clish, of 402 Broadway, Bangor, Mo. Mays: "I that Kidney bare circa me a new lease of life, I have- taken a great many remedies during the past six years but I can with a good- clear cons prompt that nothing ever gare me the ceired and satisfactory results that I rel front the of two. boxes ani Don's on. I Kidney, was For six rears, out a sufferer complaint.

backache ant- serere paint through hare heen the loins. taken "Often suddenly when with walking my back that I hare been compelled sink to the ground or catch hold of something for support. I had the niedical treatment and spent a samineri up In Canada, thinking change of climate and water might benefit me, bnt, bail leidid as not and fu the fall was Inst ever when I returvel to Ix One day a "aurised me to Kidney bought two try directed. and It used the remedy a regularly other medicines: me I am then Dow did more feeling fino and work pleasure In of stead of being as. it was before.

a. source For wale by all Prire 50 sole Foster-Milbarn agents for Buffalo, New York. the United States. Remember the take no other. Throat and Lung Troubles Cured at 87 Col.

R. C. Hutchison, of tanooga, amazed at his. miraculous recovery after sufferIng for seven years from throat 'and lung troubles, praises DUF. FY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY for his complete restoration to health, after all else had failed.

This well- and popular soldier, who is spending the present been winter in Corpus Christi, Texes, has enrolled a member of the Cere tury Club of the First aptist Church, Portland, Oregon. His friends in the South are. com. plimenting him on the vigorous state of his This is due, he claims to the use of DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. can give account of sickness pelted.

aud restored. whkh is little short rears of a For more then seres 1 was subject, to alt wander throat and taus troubles, and there was scarcely that could leare my bed or reclining chair. My good o'd doctor, ho has been a lifelong friend recommend. PURE MALT WHISKEY when the remedies usually prescribed laryngitis and bronchitis failed. As may imaglue, the diseased condition ebronic by this time.

took: It and one began. to In writing my Club application fur membership in the Centary of the Firit Haptint Charch, land, Oregon, of which 1 am an. hoburary member. I cald indebted to DUE FY'M PURE MALT WHISKEY for my profed. state of bealth.

am now in your and bare a good appetite, digestion: and better use of my 10m be than 1. formerly. bad. doe to the DUFFY: PORE MALT WHISKEY." R. HIT Chat COL R.

C. Teau. Nor. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey I you wish to keep strong Aud rigorous and have on Four cheeks the g.ow of perfect bealth, take Pure Whiskey regularly. according to directions, and tuke no other It la dangerous, to da with drugs, they, po'sou thot blood while Pure Malt Whisk tones and strengthens the beart, notion and purides the entire oystem.

It la the ouly whlskey that la recognized as a This is a Duty's Pure Malt has many severe tests by leareed during the pest Ofty years and haw always found absolutely pure and to contalu great medicinal properties: only In sealed battles -never la Look fir the trale-mark the Ch: on the label, nod make sure CAUTION- Dutty's urs Malt Whiskey is the caly absolutely pure medicinal malt wh skey and is sold the seal over the cork is unbroken. The seat la plain packaze, express prepaid, fo: $1.00 per bottle. Illustrated med'ca! booklet and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Rochester. N.

Y. expiration of this, hydrant rental, but I do not read the contract. It is also ru mored that the water company intends to advance rates. on water supplied for domestic and other purposes, if the city holds them to the contract in discontinulug payment of hydrant rental. etc.

"The Belfast Water company should be any the last modification of -all of their companies 10 ask ford treeing for coucessions in their. interests call- by contract the city, Ainocg my reasonal for this statement are the following: "First, the water company has cerer what conceded she has to been Belfast entitled anything except to under the contract. the Nerond, the water has. for past 20 sears, deprived! Belfast of ju two the ornamental fountains, provided for xertion of They did this by the inwhich was evidently unknown to the of clause, the meaning parties representing Belfust when this contract was drawn. refer to the word 'aud ornamental fountains, said fountaius to be subject tolthe rales of pirate ornamental fountains.

contract Charles Baker, who signed this he for the city, informed me that supposed we were to hare two large and public all fountains, to be' operated at nng the hours the city might desire: But: water company made rules for pri vate ornamental fountains' that limited the and the supply of water to a stream so small so hours of water supply each day have limi.ed. that the fountains wonld only been a source of ridicule instead of pleasure. thns palpably the city of its rights, bore ornamental fountains like those in other the water company bound under its contract to supply water for domestic: and other. purposes nt rates towns shall 'not exceed: thoseis la other and cities in Maine of the size similarly and circumstances. of Belfast.

amt entitled: "Fourth. tu under the contract the city four drinking troughs fountains for man and beast! and prident that the city is to this serrice during the eutire soar. is the case with in the other cities. But for. to years, -appearance of the first frost.

these hare been enrecally rited housed and mAn and beast thereby: til to refrain from drinking water. the opening of the next spring, "I would respectfully suggest that this matter be ziren your careful the tion and that stops be takon to see that city is "supplied with four drinking in troughs or fountaica for men and beast. winter well as "I respectfully that the water? company who has taken crary of the letter. of their rontract. torme, should be unless required they Are to lira op to it walling to restore to the city the value of the "service of two ornamental: fountains for the to period of the past 20 years, and nErve nical a points in liberal interpretation 4t GROVE CEMETERY.

am informed that the conditions at Grove cemetery- and. in fact, at our. eminently with tomb. tire exception of the old ated $204 last city government tomb nud to am aid told in constructing a new sulaeribed for that money is being suitable the purpose of building a tomb whet chapel conet in connection with. the reipts "Our from cemetery sale fund and annual To.

rient of lot, are "to care. for all our they do not require any cemeteries and nom the city. appropriation on the slatier gentlemen. let us Pater 11 And now. tion to" bring before 04 with a determinaof to our work in the interest lies, our commonwealth the hast that in us MINOR OFFICIALS CHOSEN.

Coming to the election of minor olDto cinis the the selcetiona wore mile according of the Democratic nomination made in the cancus the The lie elected previous follows: to members Maurico W. Lord, city clerk: William ham, Thompson. city solicitor: 1. O. Durcity" city treasurer: Ererard Wilen, city physician: Luther W.

Hammond marshal: J. Renuett. road CHImissioner; I. T. Clough.

chiet J. auditor: A. 0. Stoddard, A spark commissioner: Frank Mixer. T.

S. Hengen, Jenry Staples, of W. hoard of' health; truant A. D. Harriman, A George Ilyan, Arthur J.

Beach, night watch. E. Hanton, -C. Hawaltine, Hazeltine, A. 'A.

Smith, 0. S. Bickford af free library, The commou council organized bin I choice of Orrin J. Dickey as president, and John S. Davidson, clerk.

BELFAST LOCALS. Albert F. Sweetser. of Minne. bar been visiting at bie old home in Sear-port during the past week.

Afr. Sweetser bay been successful the -practise of law in the west. He was torney for Wallo county: during his regideuce He was called home by the serious illness of his mother, Mre. Susan L. Sweetser.

Jobn Frawe, agent of the Penobscot Coal Wharf conipany at Mack's Point, is spending a short vacation in Boston. One day last Week this company discharged 1423 tons: of coal from' the steamer Bayport, loading S3 cara for the Aroustook going out over the ratroad- Dize Green. who is tore man for the company. also taking a vacation and is visiting with friends in Chicago Grand lligh Priest John M. Ward of Bangor, will- make an vwit P'embscot Encammnent, I.

0. 0. on Tuesday and a banquet hds' been prepared with an inforinal program. The encampment is atea lily increasing in membership and interest is especially at thie time. The brake on the Maine Central trains are now supplied with a emall tin case with A for on shoulder in: which die CAN carry the fused sirual which will be used for ping a train.

instead of the fag and ladtern which has prevailed in the past. The recent order went into effect the part week and ax the fusee burns ten minatts trait cannot pare one, "until it burds out. who has been employal in the Leonard Harry R. nt Lewiston, Barrows shoe factors in this cits. has his bemo, Ado'bert has been appoluted meinher of the Day committoo in place of Georze Boulter.

consed. has been decided to corvices this Scar at the Methodist Erik copal church. Capt. 1. S.

Me Denall of this city has joined him echooner, the Ancie B. ed. which has boon loo hound 1 it and she loading stone at Hurrivane wieland for Fallthe has' bron decided to entirely repine boiler in the swainer and this will require much more time thaw wAs expected that he will not he ready -tor service as carly in the seasi as was expected. Daniel a Keret, one. the company operating the part and after Camden line.

who has been lookiris the work on the boat: has returned to the and tiny Buck employed on the with Lazineer Bennett. MANY PHYSICIANS they have investigated and are convinced of the truth" of our assertions, drink themselves and recommend to their DE TAN ATED BRAND COFFEE, It has made. harmless by the ex. traction of the bitter, poisonous," tanninbearing tissue. At good grocers in 1-b.

cans, CLARK, COGGIN JOHNSON CG Coffee Roasters sad Importers, BOSTON, MANS. T. R. SAVAGE holesalo Distributere, Bangor PHOTO ALSO HOTO-ENCRAVINC JOB PRINTING Promptly -and 'aristically ho attice of the Daily Commercial. flatftones on ztur or copper :00 or One screen at lower price that your want ad.

is not there for they 10, are centa not reading it. 30 words CREX GRASS CARPETS The fact that the demand is constantly increasing for CREX Carpets: Rugs 14 in most convincing proof of their durable 'and satisfac-? tory service and of the charm of their artistic qualities. CREX Carpets, and Rugs are the perfect floor cover. ings for the home of to day. Suitable all the year round, in home, office or CREX is ahsolutely sani: tary.

Dust and Germs cannot lodge in CREX. CAUTION: Avoid Imitations Be ture you pet CREX. said Are GRASS TWINE CO. 331 Bread K. St, Teal.

Mias. SEA MOSS FARINE is pure, healtb-giving food. Toothsome, nutritious, econom Buy. hotels, restaurants, bakeries. A 25c.

package makes 16 quarts dessert dishes. Just the food required by infants and invalids Sample tree. Lyon Mig. Co. Brooklyn, N.


the election of olicers and the of such other business come before said meeting will be beld the of the Cowpany, No. 90 change street. Bangor, 'OF MARCH the TWENTIETH In. the forenoon. 11, Cierk.

Mars to Mar 21 FINE LETTER PAPER In One Pound Packages, 250, 300, 350 AT CHAS. HIGHT'S MEN AND WOMEN. To Anyone. Purchasing $5.00 Worth of Wall Paper During tho Next 3 Weeks Will Give a Pound of the Best 50c Tea. Ella E.

Rowe's, Hampden, Ma u4.

Commercial from Bangor, Maine (2025)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.